My diagnostic was slightly lower than yours, and I self-studied using the PowerScoreBibles to get 166 on test day. My goal is 172~ so I just recently started using 7sage and loving it so far :)
... im really torn between the PowerscoreBibles or 7sage. If i take ... should I stick with the Bibles and try it out for ... the equivalent of all the powerscore books. It's different since ... 7sage was far superior to Powerscore's and that the free ...
... 7Sage, the LSAT Trainer, and PowerScore. In the end, I definitely ... />
> I would not recommend PowerScore, though many like it and ... previously consulted the Kaplan books, Powerscorebibles, and Princeton Review's _Cracking ...
I tried the bible and did not see significant improvements. I would say try 7 sage, and focus on practice and reviewing over and over. Marking so much only wasted my time. Actually, all the powerscorebibles did haha.
... 've used The LSAT Trainer, PowerscoreBibles, 7sage, and actual LSAT test ... learning lawgic and conditional reasoning. Powerscore's explanation of what conditional ...
I used 7Sage in tandem with PowerScoreBibles. I actually read through all of the Bibles before starting 7Sage and I felt like it gave me a good foundational understanding of some concepts in logic.