Does anybody know when all of the video explanations should be up for preptest 87 (June 2019)? Only the logic game videos are up. I would like to take this test before September.
I hit "save and score" without filling in any answers because I don't understand how the preptest page works. Is my analytic page now just screwed up forever because of that 0% score?
I'm missing a lot of symbols on my account, including:
The symbol to mark questions for BR and the color them button. This has been happening for two days now. It's causing me to not be able to mark any questions for the BR
Does anyone know of au can set the preptest sections untimed instead of the 100%time! I am doing untimed sections right now so need help to change the setting for the sections to untimed on 7 sage. Please Helpp!!!
I used to buy preptests to extend my acc, can I not do this anymore? I couldn't find the buy preptest section on mobile version of the site...if I can still do this, can someone link me the page to buy the individual preptests? Thanks.
... point me to actual LR Preptest questions that have circular reasoning ... establish." Preferably questions from before Preptest 39 would be really great ...
I have taken 2 preptest already and I am missing most of the "V.high" questions but get ALL "V.low" questions I get correct? Has anyone had trouble with this? Lower PT with higher BR
I didn't remember any of the inferences or how to diagram the games since I originally took them back when I was really bad, but i did remember taking them, and I'm wondering if i should even count the scores from this preptest as a result.
... study since 2020 March. One preptest a day, 6 days a ... I usually get 170+ in preptest. You may say that is ... for the big disjunction between preptest score and actual score. So ...