... haha I also am not a proficient touch typer.. thank you ... taking fear would be having a bad day and scoring even ... q's. I was normally a -0/1LG guy so that did ... other hand, I did take a full month off of studying ... the difference. The < 3.0/>170 data on myLSN ...
Make sure you are doing a thorough blind review on any ... games isn't quite at a -0. Where is it? If ... in with the CC. At a minimum foolproof the games in ... You can always study for a September retake and use the ... I was aiming for a 173+, got a 172 and then retook ...
... you've got to go -0. Well, you don't! ... to be capable of going -0. But there's nothing ... LG that if you miss a few you automatically drop ... acceptable margin of error beyond a -0. Learn from your mistakes, ...
... />
> Congrats, that's a big milestone!
> ... margin of error beyond a -0. Learn from your mistakes ... t need to get a -0 on logic games. It ... September and it is still a perfect score.
It seems like with a little more work on getting ...
... It took about a month and a half to get regularly ... almost everyone can get to a -0 or -1 average on ... for me. So experiment a little giving different skipping ... reasoning there is always a right answer and you ... information is located in a passage and how each ...
IMO foolproofing isn't a surefire way to ensure an ... which, here, seems to be a -0/-1). Ultimately you have to ... to adapt if you get a game that doesn't adhere ... formats. I think there's a real concern that some may ...
... that if you are below a given school's 25th ... in the lsat. More specifically, a0.1 GPA below the 25th ... usually needs to come with a 1+ higher lsat score ... you'd need to score a 176 to be comparable to ... />
My inclination is that a 170 would be the lowest ...
Finally....FINALLY got a -0 on logic games. I've ... too long. I started at a -14 or -12 (don't ... and have consistently been getting a -1 or -2. So happy ... tomorrow to finally get that -0 and a boost of confidence!
... RC. I can go from a -0/-1 streak when I'm ... look like? Do you do a section, BR, then do ... next? What really started making a difference for me is when ... passages like logic games. If a passage gave me any trouble ... BR over the course of a month or two. The patterns ...
... you pause and make out a high resolution summary? Or ...
> I have a pretty good memory but I ... doesn't like a thing (a hypothesis, a literary figure, a law or ... detail but I make a point to remember where ... 4, but I just got a -0 on my last one, ...
... your preptests (I included a link below on how ... home and usually take apreptest and BR the next ... taking every LSAT preptest. I also included a link below on ... I did on a given preptest. I had a mindset that I ... was happy to get a ...
... lsat to hit 99th for a potential scholarship boost, doesn’t ... could easily end up with a $0 scholarship, unless ED comes with ... a scholarship. EDs that come with ... with scholarship) had a 10% acceptance rate, with a majority being top ...
... />
> Yeah correct! So the Preptest is North America and Australia ...
Wait the preptest are the exact same I ... br />
> "PrepTest" refers to a actual LSAT administered in ... and released by LSAC as a practice test, so there ...
... ; > Yeah correct! So the Preptest is North America and Australia ... />
> Wait the preptest are the exact same I ... ; >
> > "PrepTest" refers to a actual LSAT administered in ... and released by LSAC as a practice test, so there are ...
Wouldn’t think about the LSAT again until your GPA is finalized. Throw everything you got at increasing your GPA. Don’t underestimate the benefit of a0.1 increase there. Lots of us would do anything to have a chance to increase GPA but we can’t.
This happens to me, only when I'm taking a Timed Preptest. All of a sudden I am putting so much stress that my muscles tightens up. Stress has alot to do with it.
Lol a0.04 increase is not going ... far exceed any value that a0.04 increase in GPA could ... affect their decision about taking a gap year(s) and what ... choices down the road as a lawyer. I mean the possible ...
... logic games, as a -0 entirely attainable in a short time frame. I ... , practicing logical symbol conversion in a split second is helpful. Reading ...
... logic games, as a -0 entirely attainable in a short time frame. I ... , practicing logical symbol conversion in a split second is helpful. Reading ...
... 10 to -0 by June? No. (I think a more realistic ... Before you can expect a -0 on the real deal you ... consistently BRing RC sections around -0. For example, my average ... I think it's a little different for everyone. ... it shows you have a hole somewhere in your ...
... that didn’t translate to a -0 on my timed takes, but ... I was able to improve a ton this way. Learn to ... your fundamentals. If there’s a question type you dread seeing ... ’t be afraid to spend a week just drilling LR sections ...