How might I obtain the LSAT Prep Test #43 by Tuesday? While there are a couple on Amazon, they all will arrive past Wednesday. I was hoping to purchase the test and have it arrive Tuesday... so I can join the BR group Wednesday evening.
Hello! So, I took the 2007 PT and I am checking each answer regardless of whether I got it riht or wrong. Is this a good idea? I feel like it's taking up too much time (I'm behind a week). Should I just check those that I got wrong/skipped?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could input a section into lsat analytics instead of the whole preptest. I wanted to take an LR section and see my breakdown.
Hi guys, does anyone know what the actual administration date for C2 is? 7Sage has it labeled as January 2016, but I have heard some conflicting information on this. Trying to figure out if I should be taking this.
Does anyone know if there is somewhere that I can download past exams as PDFs instead of eBooks? I'm looking specifically for PT 72-77 ... not necessarily looking for a free download (if so, then great! lol) as I am willing to pay for them.