I'm ripping up old powerscore books but they don't cover the entire first 35 pts. Also, why exactly is 1-35 the range that people use for fool proofing games
Is there a pdf sheet with answers to games from 1-35 (foolproofing) Instead of looking at each explanation, is there a way I can look at a sheet to see if I got the correct answer?
For those of you who plan to slug through LSAT over the holidays and would like to foolproof games, please DM if you want to do 5 games per week for the next 7 weeks or at least attempt to get through games1-35 at least once.
I can't seem to find the answers to preptests 1-35 logic games. When the PDFs were taken down, were the answers also taken down? I can't check my answers to those sections! Am I missing them somewhere?
... on fool-proofing logic games from tests 1-35, for a little while ... now. Logic games is my ... struggling with the incredibly "weird" games, such as game 4 from ... , most of the modern logic games are pretty "standard".
< ...
... doing and foolproofing logic games from PT 1-35 is the right course ... of action to improve my logic games ... August LSAT but my logic games score under timed conditions is ...
... have completed fool proofing PTs 1-35. I'm now 11 preptests ... my PT phase. Getting -0/-1 on tests, though admittedly some ... of fool proofing the LG games, by the time I'm ...
... done a majority of LGs 1-35 almost 10x each. A ... ve started FP'ing LG 1-35 in reverse order and ... in FPing games I havent encountered as often like 35-60, ... FP'ing outside of the 1-35 range, and adding in ... 1-35, so I get a lot of practice on the weird games ...
I have fool proofed LG 1-35 and I'm still averaging -8 or -10. I think my problem is I didn't do the weird games that showed up 1-20. Should I just do those games i didn't fool proof or should I start over?
... and am beginning to foolproof games as they are by far ... ). Unfortunately, I am out of games from the CC to drill ... resource for getting the games from PT 1-35 that doesn't include ...
I just started studying again and I was wondering if there’s a way we can do LG 1-35 with the digital format? If not, the only way is to go through the PTs and just do the games?
Since PT 1-35 are already used in the curriculum, is there a way 7 sage can provide the full section LR and RC sections for PT's 1-35 to students who already purchased the course?
I am trying to find LSATs 1-35 on 7sage. The system is setup to score them and content is used throughout the theory sections, but I can't seem to find where to download the early tests for practice. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
So i have foolproofed games1-35 thoroughly. Probably 5 to 6 ... time going through those old games and some newer ones. How ... many games do you foolproof a day ...
Does 7Sage provide answers / video explanations for the LR and RC sections for PTs 1-35? I was hoping to use these for a couple of weeks of practicing full, timed sections.
Of course, I plan to print out/BR PT 36-83, but I was curious about what is the best use for PTs 1-35 since many of the questions have already been taught.