@"Ron Swanson" What kind of timing strategies are you trying out? I tend to run out of time for RCs, pretty much leaving the fourth passage blank. I sometimes miss 1-2 questions on LRs depending on their difficultylevels.
... said:
Only do enough problem sets to familiarize yourself with ... , I found myself doing every problemset in the curriculum. When I ... I did all of the problem sets in the curriculum. As ...
... are learning a new LR problem and jump into the practice ... />
I’d stopwatch the problemset of 5. Ideally, you want ... :40 (or 1:20 per problem), but you don’t want ... just blind review the entire set. But if you start getting ...
... and learn or attempt the problem befor JY explains it to ... I would do the first problemset and if it clicked I ... on. If not, do another problemset. That way I had plenty ... of problem sets to drill weaknesses during ...
Completing each RC problem sets takes me almost 2 hours (including BR and videos) but on syllabus it is indicated that it should take one hour. How long completing an RC problemset should take?
... attempt to do every single problemset + PT at least 40 exams ... . I only do 1-2 problem sets. PT, check which question ... do some of the remaining problem sets. If you use up ... all of the problem sets prior to PTing, you ...
... , 1 medium, and 1 difficult problemset.
2) Once you've ... 're struggling with a particular problem type, go back and do ... more of the problem sets for that type of ... problem. For LG, fool proof the ...
lol great.
Thanks for reminding me of that...totally forgot to make use of the chart (sorted by difficultylevels/question types)
This community is so great, full of good recources and nice ppl! :)
... much from each and every problemset and lesson. That sounds like ... the curriculum and all the problem sets. I know many do ... problem sets to the extent that ... that's where those leftover problem sets can be a big ...