@7sagelsatstudent180 Ohhhh my total misunderstanding... sorry about that :p
Yea.. I take 3 to 4 tests a week and I was wondering how taking 3 to 4 tests a day is even possible haha. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
... out
2) Practice 3) Be honest about your shortcomings ... you need to improve 4) Celebrate your victories. Aggressively affirm ... process and a combination of 3 and 4. Confidence is what gets ...
... and most people DO NOT pt everyday for 5-6 days ... through the study threads, most pt3-4x a week as a ... wonders for my nerves and PT's in general. Got to ...
... . L > T 3. L 4. T
5. T ... note that arriving at T (4.) is actually not an assumption ... validly from premises 2 and 3. But yes the 'illogical' move ...
@Meeeetch my gpa was around a 2.3-2.4, so a 165+ would be, I would say minimum, to get a semi-competitive application for the upper echelon of schools. :/
I found both games 3 and 4 incredibly hard because I had that same instinct! Both those games are crapshoots for me. Hopefully the LSAT gods gave me some intuition on the ones I randomly circled! Not looking forward to my reported score :(
Bubble in groups and remind yourself of what you're bubbling, as you bubble. For instance, if I'm group bubbling 4 answers, 1-4 (A, D, D, C, respectively) I will say to myself "1 A, 2 D, 3 D, 4 C".