... S33.
Therefore: the correct answer should be somewhere along the ... />
C) Feels like the correct answer to me
D) Out ... like one of those DAFAQ answer choices. I mean...WHAT? answer key and checked this question. The ...
@kaytheeh @nicole.hopkins Sorry there was no answer keys setup for the Question Bank :( But it's there now :) When you show your selected questions you should see the answerkey at the bottom.
... explain to myself why each answer was wrong, and why the ... before checking for the answer in the answerkey. And if I choose ... the correct answer untimed than at ...
So when I did the question I got the same answer as you and I looked at my answerkey, the correct answer is "C". Are you sure you looked at the right answerkey?
In Kaplan's Guide to this LSAT there is a note for this question before the explanation that says: "The Law Services official answerkey may read (B) for this question, but this is a typo. The correct answer is (C)."
The ... the students) actually checked the answerkey lol. If you’re looking ... />
Reflecting on each answer choice in depth and realizing ... why trap answer choices are attractive made ...
July 5. Can preorder on amazon however you won’t have access to explanations only answerkey and score converter . Not sure how long it will take for 7sage or other online places like lsat hacks to have test explanations .
There is no PT90. That would have been June 2020, which was replaced by the Flex. What we got instead was a May 2020 flex form. As it stands now, what will be PT90 hasn't been administered yet.
... released as part of their answerkey/explanations.
though, i do ... passed off as an ideal "answerkey" since the writing section of ... might not be a universal "answerkey" out there, but i also ...
Thank you for the explanation. Very helpful! As a suggestion, it would be good if you would include the description of categories in the problem set answerkey in your resources so that people would be able to refer to it as needed.
Also, not sure about PT 92, but PT90 is the May 2020 PT with an added section, so if nothing else, the explanations for 3/4 sections are already available on 7sage.