For the correct answer choice, why does it matter if the trees used are or old or new since the answer is talking about the harm caused by the products they will be turned into? This is the reason I did not choose it #help
How does the correct answer choice interact with the comparison to pharmaceutical drugs? If anything I would think this answer supports the position of the critic #help
(1) Most profitable investment: The rate of inflation EXCEEDS the rate of return by a given percentage (say, x%). That is, in real terms, the investment generates a loss; the inflation rate overcompensates whatever profit is being made here. According to ...
I would like to see a video breakdown of this question
**Admin Note: Edited titled. Please use the format "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question"**
Why is B the right answer for a strengthen if the reverse could also be true: what if those who can copy angles can copy curves just means the other comes first. Isn't the key to the argument the idea that one is before? #help
I don't get how (a) can strengthen the argument. It says "several species of shellfish and seabirds in the North Sea waters.." but how can being in the North Sea help the conclusion? Isn't it also possible that those shellfish and seabirds died because of ...
This necessary assumption question discusses the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with a newly developed drug. CFS is associated with three different symptoms, and we don’t know if these symptoms are the effects of only one virus or of multiple ...
Political self-determination from external force -> /truly free
Maintaining freedom -> political virtues earned during the struggle for freedom
The bridge here is about linking political self-determination from ...
Reading the stimulus, I thought there was the following logical gap in Anita's claim:
having a quandary about newsworthiness(the premise) and the guidance being inadequate(the conclusion).
So I picked (D) since I thought it meant the ...
I had a quick question about a line of reasoning regarding the correct answer to this question. I got the correct answer, E, but for a different reason than what was explained in the explanation video. In the video, the narrator discusses the difference ...
I have not seen MP questions that begin with a question at the beginning before this one. I got it incorrect since I put B thinking the conclusion came after the word "Certainly" I am not sure how to get to the conclusion in this stimilus.
I am not understanding how D is the correct answer. I actually chose D before blind review, mainly as a gut instinct to look back over later. Upon blind review, I changed my answer to B.
I now understand why B is wrong, as all we know is that many ...
Hi, just got really confused on a particular LR question and hope I can get some help, thank you. The question I am talking about is the LR question from PT88, Section 4, Question 24
How is answer B correct? I still don’t see it. Because ...
Hi! I was doing a drill and had this question. I chose C and that was the trap answer choice (rip) but I don't really understand why this is wrong and A is right.
Could anyone please breakdown the right and wrong answers? This would be such ...
D must be false because stimulus says that brains of identical twins are genetically identical and its the differences in brain from which we can tell if a twin is Schizo