Looking for another opinion on this question regarding the stimulus. This passage strikes me as having a sub sub conclusion, as in 3 conclusions total. Do you see that ...
To anyone else going through Prep Tests chronologically, was this question a bother for you as well? It's about two people arguing over whether or not they should modify their 36 hour training shifts for prospective physicians. The answer, B, does not to ...
Hi, could someone who understands this passage thoroughly translate paragraphs 3 and 4 with me? JY's explanation video for this passage zoomed through the last paragraph and I was still left pretty confused.
Can someone please explain why answer C is incorrect? I got the right answer but I just want to see the logic behind answer C being wrong I cant quite word it.
The last couple sentences of the passage say that there are a couple constraints to the method, but then the MP question says nothing about the constraints only about how the method is good? Im confused.
Hi, I'm doing problem sets and for whatever reason there are no explanation videos for the answers. I enjoy watching the videos because I like to know what I did wrong and right. Why aren't there any explanation videos available? Maybe I am not looking in ...
I could really use some clarity on Game 2 from PT 91. For some reason I was completely drawing a blank and as a result I missed 5 of 6. Has anyone ran in to the same issue? If so, how did you setup your game board and/or solve the questions?
I could really use some clarity on Game 2 from PT 91. For some reason I was completely drawing a blank and as a result I missed 5 of 6. Has anyone ran in to the same issue? If so, how did you setup your game board and/or solve the questions?
If someone has done this question about water vapor and oceans and got it correct: can you please explain to me? I am not understanding the correlation between precipitation and the concentration of oxygen in seawater. I chose A originally if someone can ...
... is an LG, S2 and S3 are LR, and S4 is ... shows that S1 corresponds to S3 (second LR) on lawhub, S2 ... corresponds to S1 (LG), S3 corresponds to S4 (RC), and ...
Does someone mind explaining why D can't be right? I think A makes sense but also feel like paranoid, in the stimulus, is a condition that keeps changing along with changes in society.
Maybe it's because it doesn't **most** strongly support ...
Posted this as a comment under the Problem Set, but am really unsure of why my reasoning is incorrect so looking for help. Won't add the question here so it doesn't act as a spoiler but I've referenced the question in the post title.
Why is the correct answer D? As opposed to E, I can understand that no where in the text does it show that in order for a consumer to purchase the merchandise, they must have the ability to verify any and all claims regarding it. Yet, for choice D, I am ...
The gap is the owners has right to **destory** the art works from the **ethical point of view** even if the owner **possess it legally**. The premise is the possess it legally , and destory ethically is the core.