This question tripped me up a bit, not because I didn't understand what I was being asked to do, but because I couldn't really differentiate between some of the answer choices.
for AC b i equated many=some and chose e instead as it was a statement for “most” systems….but suppose since it is ratios in consideration similarity weighs more (hence not ...
would AC e be a close second....i seem to have glossed over d and missed it choosing e realizing my folly on BR. But isn't e another version of d so plausible in the absence ...
would it be a good way to think alternative to JY's explanation that answer choice B is wrong merely in having few as the existential indicator rather than a universal ...
So... I am watching the PT 61 LG section while FPing and I am having a little trouble understanding how JY got the contrapostive for R2 /U in the game. Can someone please clarify? Thank you so much!
In the explanation for this game board (, JY uses group 3 logical operator, unless, to translate the lawgic. I thought that he would use group 4, ...
the game doesn’t say the same color cannot appear twice (or more) in one stained glass window. so it could be like “g p r r” color combined in one window. “y p” in the 2nd window and “o g” in the 3rd window. It is not contradicting the rule. how to deal ...
Why isn't possible that Mannequin 1 and Mannequin 2 wear identical clothes?
The rule only says "Neither Mannequin wears all three color" and "Each mannequin wears a ...
Hi. Could anyone tell me why (c) weakens the arg? Isn't it irrelevant that it talks about errors of the data? Thank you in advance!! Happy studying everyone.
Hi everyone. Has anyone worked this question? If so, could you explain to me why D is incorrect? It's supposed to be an easy question being in the earlier portion of the section, but it trapped me. I get it that A is correct, but I still don't see why D ( ...
Can someone explain to me how A is right. I understood the argument to be a generalization because it goes from talking about lowering dairy food intake to avoid heart diseases to talking about having good health in general
I understand why A is ...
Hi everyone!
Can someone please help me with this question. I can't understand why C is wrong at all. I got it down to A and C and ended up picking C.
cant C be correct because if drinking one glass doesn't cause deficiency in vitamin D, ...
Hey, guys. Can anyone thing of a more recent game that has a rule like, “Only seats in the same row...”? Like who thought something like seats in row 1 and in row 2 could be immediately beside each other??? I guess that could happen if you diagrammed ...
Hey yall, im back!!
Just wanna make sure im understanding AC E
[E] says that: "an increase in demand for consumer product is compatible with an increase in demand for a competing product."
Here goes my thought process:
Since the ...
Ok, so I got this MBT question wrong. I initially was going to go with AC D (the right choice) but was turned off from the second part of the answer. The whole thing reads:
"More money is spent on microwave food products that take three ...
I missed question 4. I actually couldn’t pick an answer because they all appeared to work as I moved my l–n block around for each answer choice. I remember learning that when you have to go backwards in the chain that means those items on the other leg of ...
J.Y., can you help us on this one? PT83.3.12 "In a scene in an ancient Greek play..."
Honestly, I was completely stumped on test day on this one and the answer choices still mostly seem irrelevant to me. I don't understand how to process it ...
I am confused as to why answer c is a better answer choice than a. They seem very similar, but is the answer c because there are a range of numbers opposed to using the same number (2) in answer choice a, or is there something bigger that I am missing?
Hi why is C wrong? Wouldnt commercial development lead to more humans which lead to more mammals which eat the plants? I had a hard time distinguishing between C and D.