I understand why answer choice C is correct, but I can't seem to be able to rule answer choice B out. Can someone explain why answer choice B isn't the answer/ why answer choice C is better?
In this strengthening question, the conclusion that most universities offer a cosmopolitan and in depth education is supported by the premise that most universities have history departments utilizing more culturally diverse and complete textbooks. The ...
I am confused because the correct answer to this question seems like it's a necessary assumption and not a sufficient assumption, as the question stem would describe it to be. I generally regard necessary assumptions to be the "bare minimum" standard. It ...
Hi all!
So long story short, I constantly find myself vacillating between answer choice b and answer choice c. I know what the right answer is _supposed_ to be, but I'm trying to build the road to understanding it myself so that I can replicate it ...
... ://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/18842/pt60-s1-q13-many-economists-claim-that ... -rewards). Thing is, I took PT60 months ago, hence the _maybe_ ... phrasing
I think SoA is incorrect because: let's pretend there are two subdivisions, A and B. Let's say sub A contained houses of $1mil and sub B had houses costing half million. Let's say someone like Bill ...
The answer for this question is B. I understand why B is right, but I was not able to fully eliminate why D is wrong (I understand why A, C, and E are wrong). The reason why I am still not sure why D is wrong is because D states that, ...
In this passage, I picked D because I interpreted Rito using the phrase "serious underestimates" as the severity of the underestimate of the raw numbers, while Hiro uses “surely underestimate” as an acceptance that there is an underestimate but not ...
Could someone help me ID what flaw is in the stimulus and why answer choice D is wrong? Is D incorrect because the skeptic is assuming Debbie used another technique aside from the three he was originally testing for? And is the sleight of hand, trick deck, ...
The rule is "Either P is an ingredient or Y is an ingredient, but not both." It's easy enough to see that both of them cannot be in, but does this rule mandate that AT LEAST one of them is in? If so, can you also point me to the lecture in the core ...
A is wrong because we cant say many old people as we dont know the definition of old for Rotelle. If she considers 60+ old or 80+ old.
B is wrong because it says people as old as Sims are the only those. There could be more people.
C is ...
Sorry, but I don't think you're referring to PT79 S1Q7, which is about the journalist's argument about the mayor's boldness. If you can point me to the right question, I wouldn't mind giving my thoughts. Cheers.
... section test) and PT60S1 as experimental
PT80, PT60 S2 as experimental ...
PT71, PT60 S3 as experimental ...
Grade PT60
PT81, PT61 S1 as experimental
And ...