I was down to A and C, and the answer is A, but I chose C.
I'm having a difficult time understanding why A is the answer and C is wrong.
I mean I thought both could be answers.
I thought the answer might be D for a very different reason.... the circumstances are specifically described as being about people who don't already own the item, but the ...
Hi folks, I can't for the life of me figure out why the correct answer for question 11 in sec. 3 of the June 2014 test is choice A. (This is the question regarding citizen ...
Ok. The explanation JY wrote is awesome, but I still don't understand why B is correct.
This question just doesn't seem to click for me any which way I look at it... I don't see how answer choice (A) is the correct answer. If someone has any insight as to how to better approach this question, be my guest! Thanks!
http://7sage.com/ ...
Hi, I'm not sure why D is wrong and B is correct...
since it says there was reasonable grounds...etc I thought it follows the conditional statement and it's justified.
Any ideas why D is wrong ? :(
https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/ ...
I'm not sure why C is the answer and D is not.
I thought all the sentence before the last one support the last sentence.
It seems like C comes from the second sentence.
In this stimulus there are two "but" and was ...
Why is the answer E? I chose A because the 1st paragraph stated, "The problem can be cured by crop rotation, denying the pathogens a suitable host for a period of time."
You can never have too much practice with RC, right? Which is why you should definitely go check out this passage and then help a girl out with a question that is causing her to pull her hair out :)
I find myself struggling with Disagree questions. It's difficult to keep the moving parts together and find the overlap. Especially when there are embedded clauses which obfuscate the domain of discourse or in particularly loooong questions such as this ...
Can someone explain to me how A is right. I understood the argument to be a generalization because it goes from talking about lowering dairy food intake to avoid heart diseases to talking about having good health in general
I understand why A is ...
Can somebody please help explain why the answer choice (a) is the correct one for this and not (d)? I don't think neither side is arguing which one would violate people's rights less so I immediately crossed (a) off the list...
I'm not sure if this is the correct place? Are we allowed to ask questions about individual questions? If it's not allowed (sorry!) let me know and I will delete this thread, or someone can take appropriate action.
Here is my analysis for question 17 in section 3 for prep test 72. This is a weaken question; therefore, I wanted to weaken the connection between the premises and the conclusion.
Argument Analysis:
I've been looking at this question for the last 20 minutes, watched the JY's explanation, and looked through the comments. Still have no idea what is going on. Can someone help explain it to me?
I am having such a tough time on this question. I have written out my thinking, watched the explanation a few times and I am still stumped by this question. Answer C is ...
The correct answer here was E. I understand why the answer is E (because it shows an alternative explanation for the phenomena described in the stimulus), but I have trouble understanding why D is wrong. After all, if following the ...
I have trouble understanding answer choice B. What is it like to be ambiguous in an LR stimulus? When I was doing this question under timed, I thought ambiguous notion of knowledge was the author does not state whether her example of ...
I interpreted "D" as saying that new fields had been found since "oil that is considered unextractable is now considered extractible." For "D" to be correct, I thought we had to make the assumption that the shift between unextractable to extractible was ...