You can find JY doing LR in PT69 S1+S4, and PT71 S1+S3. And Jon also had an epic timed LR section video, which took him only 19 minutes.
I think PTC is included in the first Superprep Book, along with PTA and PTB, and PTC2 is the one "new" PrepTest included in SuperPrep II (the other two are previously disclosed, I believe 62 and 65)
@sunnyp89 - the answers above nail it: more "kinds of lamps" does not explain "more lamps"
And please remove the verbatim question.
Maybe @"Dillon A. Wright" can help with editing out the copyrighted content. The question is PT36, S1, Q23
The stimulus doesn't allow us to conclude this. Grass clippings are one way to get micro-nutrients, but the stimulus doesn't say it's the ONLY way. Thus, when the ...
@nessa.k13.0 said:
I wrote out a page --a love letter so to speak---for this question in an attempt to give myself the best chance of never making the same mistakes that I did on this question again.
Right, but isn't brain part of body?
I'm sorry to bother by asking questions again and again, but I was confused when I see this question especially since it is Q2...very eary question and supposed to be easy one...
Thanks for your response Jonathan, my question was about PT35.S1.Q18. I think a mod edited my post when I originally posted it, and put int he wrong question. I've just seen it and changed it back.