... + next week. Why? Because that's a manageable goal, as long ... !!! When I began describing LSAT's logical concepts in my own ... on the relationships between various question types and concepts
Ex ... works for you and stick to it. There's really no one ...
... a function of capability and accuracy. There's no special "timing tactic ... on doing all of them and getting them all right. ... less time "brute-forcing" games, and less time frantically scanning the ... for the answer. If your question-answering acumen is such that ...
... A lot of products and review books make the ... of rules for each question type and it makes the entire ... question types. So far it looks like the way to go. And ... btw @Nicole.Hopkins s is a great ... while, is very knowledgeable, and has lots of good ...
You really think by missing 5 questions and a game you will get -35 questions? That's what you'd be looking at to hit 155. That means roughly 8 or 9 wrong on each scored section. I doubt it's that bad.
Question for y'all. Let's say I decide not to cancel, do high 160's on this test, and then hit mid 170's on the next one, how much worse will that look that a cancel/mid 170's
... that's what caused the low score. Keep drilling question types and try ... to build up some speed. Finishing in time and ... the average time per question down, and your total time per ... fast you should be going, and to diagnose issues like this ...
... after lots of PTing and watching JY's LG explanations, I realized ... topic and not an explanation of a real test question). This ... helped my confidence and speed. For example ... was in/out games, and watching the videos about conditional ...
... be an unpopular opinion, and I might get flamed, but ... get stuck on that last game anyway? Perhaps finding the ... and doing those first, then hitting the acceptable situation question ... on the last gameand shotgun bubbling is ...
... wreck the argument? And it does, and therefore I need to ... a sudden I thought it's gotta be right, almost ... can get it, it's just with the harder questions ... it's so damn difficult. I' ... the Q in terms of difficulty, and ever since I've ...
... it's silly mistakes, such as missing an EXCEPT question along ... on very tricky questions, and I almost always narrow those ... Time spent on each passage and its respective questions is usually ... organized my misses by question type, and that's something I will ...
... it's a new recording and since it's many ... LR and RC, like the june one that's going ... question, #2 is a main conclusion with a very obvious structure, and ... #3's answer choice sticks out ... seconds or so. It's the more difficult questions ...
... both ways and all directions so it's not like ... it's a fool ... absolutely need to, and then it's for totally strategic ... amount of text between questionand ACs to knck it ... than a situational/inference MBT question.
... , after reading the Trainer and letting Kim's statement that almost all ... my game. Just that alone improved my score. And, the concepts and methodology ... blind review scores look like and how are you blind reviewing ...
... worst section too. Here's what I'm doing ( ... the others) according to question type and drilling a study sheet ... question, typical wrong answer per question, possible right answer each question, and ... 5. Review each question type like BR, and comparing each q ...
... be it the passage, the question stem, or the answers. < ... lack of subject-matter familiarity and the dense grammatical structure. ... sites have very interesting and difficult to read articles:
Here's one about cause and effect:
http://aeon ...
... for not finishing a logic game section. Yes, you could probably ... up next to elaboration and retrieval's better looking and more comforting sibling ... of each passage, and do this again and again and again until the ...
... @c.janson35 said and just emphasize the importance ... your fundamentals, and mix in some drilling and PTs along ... two specific LR question types and need more work ... might keep the drilling and curriculum work to the ... would argue that it's easier to cut 5 ...
... />
1) Get the sequencing and grouping game fundamentals down pat. Most of ... these are cookie-cutter and you ... ! If you come to a question you can't solve just ...
... section. For me, that's Logic Games. Just do it ... you hate the world. It's like working out. You' ... to do it anyway and you never regret it ... grail. Seriously. It's free and it's so useful for quickly ... to sort the questions by difficultyand then do a daily ...
... the core curriculum and the packets, and now it's time to put ... go through each question you are unsure about and explain why each ... completed this process for one question, it's time to do it ... build/perfect new skills, and that's what you are continuously ...
... tests cause I hear (and agree) that the games ... changes recently with circle and mapping games being thrown ... tests! That's where we find the "weird" game types, for ... tests, just for LG. And of course you can ... LSAC 10 Actuals, and Cambridge PDF's. If I were ...
... ) and think to myself, "Oh I sort of remember this question about ... the refrigerator" but have no idea what it's ... asking me to do and have no idea ... the right answer is and what it's going to say; with ...
... LR it's parallel reasoning q's, sufficient assumption q's, and in general ... /weakening questions. LG and RC it's especially those types of ... questions. With LG there's no game board set up that I ... sequencing, DL sequencing, grouping, and In/Out games. Like I ...
... copy I had just taken and found it very difficult to ... of errors you are making and on what types of questions ... it during timed PTs and so that's where I'm focusing ... to shore up my LR game. When test day comes around ... BR your real test, it's just a tool to help ...
... of fundamentals. Now it's time to just practice ... />
And this.
It's not a simple ... and hard work and you're way more ahead of the game ... really see some trends and glaring weaknesses. If nothing ... 10th PT then it's time to reassess. For ...
... our diagnostic scores—and thus it's going to be ... above.
It's taken me a year to ... your prep. Sure, it's possible. But I would ... is required :) Yeah, it's possible (!) to improve 20-25 ... the question is whether the time between now and December is ...