... filter the questions based on difficulty and type and I suggest ... you actually understand what the game is telling you, often times ... the difference between when you need to approach a question by ... you began to misinterpret the game.
... see a large difference. If you focus on the difficulty of the ... doing your best on each question and keep all the extra ... it particular style questions? a game? RC passage? and keep note ...
... four games are balanced in difficulty in the same way a ... practicing timing and switching between game types while you are working ... 't fully understand what the question stem was asking, so this ... there is not much difference between a game, say, in the PT80s ...
... />
> Is there a difference? If so, why?
... my time (thereby increasing the difficulty of subsequent questions)? ... Can I convert this question to another question type?). IMO you ... good setup (game type familiarity - potential fix: game type fool ...
... a bit shaky, do a game or two just to feel ... mind how to tackle your question types/what to do when ... targeted enough to make a difference, and the nerves it can ... problems. I would keep the difficulty to under 3 stars. Trust ...
... find in most weaken/strengthen question, there exists a presumption ... /lsat_explanations/lsat-52-section-1-question-21/
Choice C ... any work has such a difference can't be the same ... quickly. However, for strengthen/weaken question, we can have those example ...
I was wondering if someone can tell me any differences between the two question types above. I see that they are similar but, I don't see any differences between them, other than the vocabulary or the way the questions are asked?
So my question is about Step 5 "Watch ... a clean copy of the game.
Reproduce all inferences ... />
Should I be repeating the game right after watching the video ... the videos right after a game I feel I haven' ... day before I try the game again...And well that ...
I just noticed this go live in the last few minutes as I was checking two questions from PT 57, Game 4. I can now check the board, and then fast forward directly to the question I need.
... a really solid strategy for question types on Reading Comp? question types and specific strategies for ... students. It makes a BIG difference. But there seems to be ... solid strategy for advanced question types on Reading Comp?
... 14 minutes to do one game whether it's easy ... />
First I'll do the game by timing myself
... starting off the game which makes the time difference between how I ... I try to redo the game again using the same ... way Jay set up the game which does reduce the ...
... got halfway through the second game of the LG section before ... at. I missed an entire game on the LG section (filled ... /5 star difficulty questions, but I have no types of question to ...
... br />
This type of question asks you to select the ... important in a Logic Game. Hardly seen as in ... sunroof was a good game to learn to recognize ... up as a simple sequencing game. If another rule adds ... a double/multi-layer sequencing game - same setup, just add ...
For a game I don't understand I' ... that game in order to do over and over. My main question ... is: how do you decide when to redo a game ... have 5 copies of a game, do I just immediately redo ...
... ‘boss’ songs in the game - songs that even the ... hold down the arrows in question). After 366 steps in ... just for the actual physical difficulty of going from full ... ’re sunk. Your mental game is torpedoed, and there’s ... The name of the game is to make sure that ...
The game starts off by announcing the ... do with that in a question), and call it a ... that could be the difference between a high 160' ... freaking 5 minute standard sequencing game - one of the ... it to a similar game where the issue you ...
... firm up and habitualize your question-specific strategies and thought processes ... the various other types of game rules you missed initially. ... order them in terms of difficulty, you’d perhaps find ... a problem is of extreme difficulty and don’t allow yourself ...
I'm just now starting to do logic games, and it is completely foreign to me. My question: Do we not write on our master game board with inferences and rules annotated on it? Sorry, if it seems like a silly question; I am just super confused.
... occupied by the game rules, etc and the first question. The second ... page contains the vast majority of questions per game ... page 2 however, allows the game board to be near the ... page do you draw your game board? Personally, (and this is ...