If you're having issues, you probably have an imprecise understanding of what the task of the questiontype is - as @MrSamIam said, review the CC for NA and then if you are still having trouble, let us know.
JY would prolly yell at me for saying this but here goes. This may be the one questiontype where you can run through the answer choices without knowing what to directly look for. Just run the MBT test for every answer.
There is also a recorded webinar for this questiontype. I haven't reviewed this one yet but I have found value in reviewing webinars for question types I struggle with. I hope this helps!
... skip all of a specific questiontype(s). For instance, don ... is sufficient for skipping the question:
1) The stimulus ... t feel comfortable with that questiontype and this particular stimulus ... stress out over that particular question because you got to ...
... understand the basics of each questiontype. However, I have realized the ... help you understand the different question types and tricks the LSAT ...
... really stumped by a certain questiontype (let's say weaken, for ... extra 20-30 questions per questiontype while completing the curriculum, you ...
... the resulting Cambridge LR by type, LG, or RC as drills ... the curriculum so if a question is broken up in several ... lesson. Also, for any LR question I have trouble with, I ... began seeing patterns within the questiontype, and correct and incorrect answer ...
... short, the answer to your question is time. But there’ ... and drilled every concept and questiontype, and feel comfortable with ... the test and identify every questiontype along with whether you ... of the concepts behind that questiontype. Do more problem sets ...
... the Cambridge LR and LG questiontype collections, the 7sage LG ... thought process for each section/questiontype helps to see the formulaic ... the process for each type of LR question and making sure ... my strategies for each LR questiontype, let me know.
Until you have an attack plan for each section and each question within each section, don't move onto PTs. Instead, drill by questiontype, then by section, and then take PTs.
@ ... PT 1, and for every questiontype you find, open the ... strategy that applies to the questiontype you are working on, and ... call on outside help. Type the question out, put that tricky ...
... whether I got a particular question right or wrong.
... difference between getting a question wrong because you were ... error and getting a question wrong because you fundamentally ... section and they're not questiontype related. They usually share ...