... more time on the questions, and less on the ... />
2. Prioritize information when reading, paying attention the overall role ... you locate a mainpoint/ sub conclusion/ opposing point/ evidence of ... bit more time for comparative reading passages.
... time upfront (~4 minutes) reading the passage and memorizing where ... Remember, it isn't about reading for details so much as ... between the evidence and mainpoint/conclusion in each paragraph ... much easier time answering questions because you'll know ...
... or ones that asked specific questions on groups, such as scientists ... But for those detail-oriented questions, I have found that ... paragraph, no "mainpoint" or MP next to the mainpoint, etc). Nicole ... that if you are already reading for reasoning structure in ...
... paragraph, tone, viewpoints, and overall mainpoint. Also remember that you can ... still be missing questions because you aren't reading answer choices thoroughly ... of this).
... are suppose to BR reading comprehension. Can someone give ... under time. So after reading each paragraph I write down ... write in the passage's mainpoint.
I ... I had my summaries and mainpoint are correct. After that ... avoid this on future questions.
... the passage before approaching the questions, that proved ineffective. I ... minutes were called. A reading of passage should take no ... the normal amount of time reading the passage. If that took ... require to go back. So mainpoint, purpose (which should take less ...
... the passage before approaching the questions, that proved ineffective. I ... minutes were called. A reading of passage should take no ... the normal amount of time reading the passage. If that took ... require to go back. So mainpoint, purpose (which should take less ...
... />
2) Once I'm done reading through the passage I write ... of the issue.
b) MainPoint:
c) Purpose:
d ... working on my timing for questions, my strategy for deciding when ...
... mainpoint because I knew what to look for as I was reading ... and trying to understand the mainpoint of each paragraph can help ... reading to anticipate what will potentially be asked in the questions ... when I got to the questions.
... passages that aren't comparative reading typically destroy me to the ... feel like I know the mainpoint but then when faced with ... be said to be the mainpoint and it wouldn't be ... same thing happens with purpose questions. For instance, paragraph three does ...
... because you'll know which questions to go back to with ... question in 13 PTs (103 questions). At the end of the ... **, and writing out paragraph summaries, mainpoint, attitude, structure, etc. I am ... I will develop the correct reading and thinking processes for the ...
... thinking about the most common questions. Mainpoint/authors viewpoint on X. At ... read. In short, I'm reading with a purpose not just ... 's also just something to reading a lot. I read all ... />
If you have any specific questions on how to approach certain ...
... of you "hard" to answer questions on.
> questions. Mainpoint/authors viewpoint on X. ... In short, I'm reading with a purpose not ... also just something to reading a lot. I read ... you have any specific questions on how to approach ...
... of you "hard" to answer questions on.
> > ... about the most common questions. Mainpoint/authors viewpoint on X. ... In short, I'm reading with a purpose not ... also just something to reading a lot. I read ... you have any specific questions on how to approach ...
... of you "hard" to answer questions on.
> > ... about the most common questions. Mainpoint/authors viewpoint on X. ... In short, I'm reading with a purpose not ... also just something to reading a lot. I read ... you have any specific questions on how to approach ...
... of you "hard" to answer questions on.
> > ... about the most common questions. Mainpoint/authors viewpoint on X. ... In short, I'm reading with a purpose not ... also just something to reading a lot. I read ... you have any specific questions on how to approach ...
... not enough time on the questions, then run out of time ... terms or answers to rhetorical questions posed by the author. ... in the passage. Determine the mainpoint and put it in brackets ... the correct answer for questions before reading answer choices (or if ...
... missed at least one mainpoint every time, and often ... use when I'm reading a novel. If I ... line I am literally reading at the time, slowly ... almost all of the questions without even referring to ... for the specific line reference questions.
... sort of reading the passage and then hitting the questions, you' ... you're actively reading and looking out for mainpoint, author's purpose ... time you spend reading vs. answering the questions. I find I ... myself more time on the questions. Other people score just ...
... tried something new with Reading Comprehension sections that ... reading in the passage, I am just simply looking for the mainpoint ... /mainpoint in the stimulus. As I'm reading the readingcomp. ... the mainpoint.
... ; @Nunuboy1994 said:
> Some readingcomp passages are just brutal like ... the traps and at some point everything clicks. RC can be ... RC passages (and particularly hard questions) can absolutely wreck your momentum ...
... said "when you're reading, read for structure, mainpoint, and perspective" I ... the same time reading the details and finding the main points. questions about takes No extra time ...
... check out Corey's Active Reading Webinar from 2016. Parts of ... you don't know the mainpoint yet, absolutely do not skimp ... strong understanding of what the mainpoint is, the details will likely ... feel like you're missing questions from details, maybe rely more ...
Rewatch how readingcomp sections are approached in the ... ? Ect.
Readingcomp will probably present a challenge ... and better at answering the questions more efficiently. You can ... law school, but the point stands. The most vital ...
... no and yes. Most questions I can prephrase strongly; ... also depends. For a mainpoint question, I’ll read at ... , there’s no point in reading the other ACs. reading entire ACs once things have ... AC, you should stop reading the AC. It’s ...
... answer? Also for games, and readingcomp, every time I blind review ... with the questions. I have taken 50 exams at this point and ... are low 160's. The point is, you definitely can get ...
... answer? Also for games, and readingcomp, every time I blind review ... with the questions. I have taken 50 exams at this point and ... are low 160's. The point is, you definitely can get ...