... searched "clean copy BR" in the search tab of ... from you and others in the past regarding my ... question. I am interested in doing tutoring with you via ... said regarding me taking it inDecember and my "end all ... am considering taking it in February to be more ...
... would love to take it inDecember, get a high score, ... could take the exam inDecember and then reenter the ... I am reasoning it -- (in response to you @eddySH84 ... I get a high score inDecember, but do not get ... to push back the December LSAT and invariably miss ...
... />
I am a huge believer in maintaining a positive mindset. You ... rush. I'll be 33 inDecember and I won't start ... can't let anything get in your way... including rushing up ...
... two more chances than rush in to my next test still ... . I was going to write inDecember but..... why? If I don ... 't make the necessary progress in that time I have no ...
... . Whether you do that inDecember or take a year off ... a score in the mid 160's for December (Heck, ... , you end up scoring in the upper 150's. ... June to get those apps in when they open. But ... then by all means, retake inDecember. Based on the information you ...
@lsatequalsfml - Like you said, sounds like we are in the same position. I didn't take in October, but I will be taking inDecember. Feel free to PM me to commiserate/share ideas. Also happy to hear from others that might have some suggestions.
Totally burn out. Are you writing inDecember? Take a longer break I would suggest. Stop thinking about the LSAT, don't creep the forums, just take a solid break.
If you are ... . LG is easy to improve in and can cause the most ... dramatic shift in your score, especially this close ... just by reading more stuff in general.
... ready to write the LSAT inDecember. 10 PTs at this point ... in the game doesn't give ... to let the material sink in via practicing and BR. in scoring while working my way ...
I would move to June, taking it inDecember might hurt your confidence if you end up scoring in the 140's and as others mentioned you are wasting 1 of your 3 attempts. Best of luck studying
... yesterday after having taken it in October, do you feel ... anymore confident in having performed better this time ... were much lower going into December than they were going into ... things drastically affect my mood. InDecember, I was much more chill ...