... recall you saying that any score below 160 indicates a lack ... analytics. But because his timed score is ~15-20 points off ... of his BR score, it hints to me that ... is not seeing the timed scoregetting closer to that mark.
Worse case scenerio by ... , but (hopefully) have a better score to apply with next cycle ... you can still improve your score with 4 more month to ... scholarships from your new epic score.
... , and then grade my actual score (assuming any missed ones were ... guessed wrong) vs my score with actual questions I was ... in every section AND my score was worse when I factored in ...
... , so don't let your score get you down. It's ... worst section, but now I score no worse than -2). Additionally, the ... . It depends on your goal score, but I think the September ...
I ... test, i ended up getting minus 13 on RC despite ... getting minus 6 or less ... to define or chances at getting into law school, theres ... br />
I would suggest getting yourself up to a point ...
Not to make anyone waiting for your LSAT score feel worse, but I hate waiting for admissions decisions a whole lot more than I ever did waiting for my LSAT score. I did not think it was possible, but it is :neutral:
... speeding you up and maybe getting you more answered questions under ... my time allocation is actually gettingworse with more practice, possibly because ...
... LG and it just gets worse and worse so even though my ... , which I got despite only getting like 15 or 16 of ... , but hopefully it is a gettingworse before better thing. If anyone ...
I'm in the same boat so thanks for posting this, I thought I was alone. I have been putting the time in (for months now) and I'm not seeing consistently good results yet. Sometimes I think I'm gettingworse. You are not alone.
... abstract the referential phrasing was getting on questions that required conditional ... , I swear the grammar is gettingworse and definitions are ...
I feel like I bombed this test compared to the first time I took it. Would y'all recommend I cancel the score or would a canceled score look worse than a lower score?
The second interlocutor ... other than murder have gotten worse, regardless of how the number ... violent crime persists or gets worse, but if the number of ...