I stared at the correct answer in disbelief for a good ... t actually READ the darn answerchoices. I just ASSUMED that the ... of "dialog" questions ask about something that Selma and Louise ... , since the vast majority ask about disagreements.
b. Pesky ...
Recently, I ... hitting 170+, and she talked about pushing yourself to allow at ... section (she was mainly talking about LR, but I feel that ... />
How does one go about doing this?
Thank you ...
... our viewing. As I was about to write a post referring ... Review process
Anticipating AnswerChoices
Eliminating Attractor AnswerChoices
Skip It ...
... . So I pre-phrased my answer to anticipate some iteration on ... down why I am eliminating answerchoices. I recognized (A) as the ... get the correct answer. :(
My questions about this question are ... wrong gap nets the wrong answer?
... following about X?
The passage provides sufficient information to answer ... which of the following about/as a component of ... the following is a characteristic about X mentioned in the ... .
Jump right into the answerchoices.
For each AC, ...
... you? I’m not talking about magic bullets or anything, but ... brain tries to make the answerchoices fit, when they do fit ... regard of what Marx wrote about the clunkiness of learning a ... ” when weighing the assumptions of answerchoices? The second time I got ...
... , make sure that you eliminate answerchoices independently to fully understand what ... initial impressions may reveal something about your intuition, and if you ... until you feel absolutely certain about an answer choice. I think the ...
... was wondering what you think about this? Please let me know ... />
2) I WRITE out each answer and exactly WHY I think ... to there wrong or correct answerchoices
4) Of the questions ...
... choices guide you. Often times you can have no idea about ... the stimulus but the right answer choice will ... />
10. Always read the answerchoices first
11. Bring ... and the group is unsure about an answer look it up and ...
... terms with the right answer choice for this question. ... fault in the other answerchoices so that I could ... to get to the answer by process of elimination ... misreading the way that answer choice is framed, but ... to have a discussion about this question with you ...
... contemplating between two or three answerchoices, I find myself trying to ... train my mind to think about the right things, instead of ... wasting my time by thinking about things that don't matter ... training my mind to think about the right things.
... on how confident I feel about the previous 5-10 questions ... side of each question's answerchoices. When it was time to ... be pointless) nor question me about the purpose of annotating my ... to find a clear-cut answerabout whether a test administrator would ...
SO, say something about how something that is a ... strongest answer choice.
B) The argument is not about misleading ... banned.
D) This answer choice is irrelevant. Conforming to ... is valid/reasonable and explain answerchoices A and E to me ...
... flaw questions. (duh...)
- The answerchoices describe what the argument did ... want to see(only mentions about the benefits or negatives", "unrepresentative ... it)" etc.
- When the answerchoices describe something in categorical terms ...
... longer have to worry about whether or not to ... to place. Scanning the answerchoices quickly, you should see ... easy, scan through the choices to see if we ... could be true, the answer choice will most likely ... remember our earlier rules about sequences. If we put ...
... to the right final two answerchoices but here's where I ... />
This is the passage about the permissibility of custom-made ... really stuck and torn between answerchoices B and E and I ... differences between the two. Both answerchoices seem really good.
So, it's ... . Am I correct in thinking about the flaw this way? I ... .
B) I was thinking about this one for a minute ... economic reasoning. I ignored this answer choice and focused on the ...
... B and they both talk about what proportion of part time ... and we only have information about what happened after the new ... I need help in understanding answerchoices C-E. I thought C ... was the correct answer because if more new full ...
... E could be a correct answer...but I do not understand ... why it is THE correct answer. I fear that if I ... the answerchoices, I figured, okay...the argument is making an assumption about ... why B is not the answer. B states that the argument ...