... .
> > 1) East/West
> > 2 ... game is the one with East/West.
... LG section (which has East/West and is claimed to ... the only LG section with East/West in their test, ... section is the LG with East/West (the harder LG ...
i had just one LG section which included the east west game and it was based on games from earlier exams. it wasnt a difficult game at all if one made certain inferences. it was definitely the original LG section.
... .
> > 1) East/West
> > 2 ... game is the one with East/West.
... LG section (which has East/West and is claimed to ... section is the LG with East/West (the harder LG ... LG section (which has East/West and is claimed to ...
... .
> > 1) East/West
> > 2 ... game is the one with East/West.
... LG section (which has East/West and is claimed to ... the only LG section with East/West in their test, ... section is the LG with East/West (the harder LG ...
At Texas Law day yesterday (UT) the admissions Dean said specifically that it's totally fine to write about pets - as long as you keep the focus obviously about you. So go for it!