... you should at least get a 163 with your next test ... 've given as well). With a 4.0, you can probably ... really do damage with a good amount of "T-14 ... />
And, again, if you hit a 168 you should be able ... , whatever your background. Good luck!--A.c.S
... that refutes a particular claim or a consequence of a theory about ... that phenomenon. A alternate explanation ... are several sociological reasons why (a) many of the most ... loaded.
Hey man, congrats! I wish I got some fee waivers (I'm really wondering how I'm going to pay to apply)...it sounds like all positives in your direction (even if they aren't indicative of acceptance prospects)!--A.c.S
... your school did "A+"S or just "A"s for perfect scores ... decisions seem to give off a strange facade of something approaching ... " when in reality there are a number of issues (of which ... the thought that it is a facade, one has to ask ... 't do me any good. A.c.S
... think that there is probably a taxonomy that could be ... game. It might actually require a great deal of information, ... are the games that involve a lot of conditional rules. I ... I probably should be using a different game board and ... , one can do it.---A.c.S
... also be saved by transferring a sizable population to reserve X ... ;
> Seems you formalize a statement like this:
> ... ;
> Hopefully this helps--A.c.S
... would have to do a formal investigation so I ... with a 3.5, worked as a paralegal for a while ... after graduation, and got a ... Should I consider hiring a professional to help with ...
... /vital to the argument. A main point question will have ... the passage, but might neglect a crucial piece. Or you ... one right and one wrong A.C., you need to evaluate ... , but there's always a word, an emphasis that ... an explanation of talk to a study buddy, it's ...
Incremental discrete "jumps", for me...but I wouldn't worry about that so much as keepin' your head down and grindin' it out right now.Good luck--A.c.S
... case with undergrad GPA. A major stress event in your ... undergrad career can damage a semester/quarter and would ... and so on. If a particular score does not show ... to be able to write a rather extraordinary addendum (that ... .
Is a "shit ton" a unit of measurement here? Because that's what it felt like for me. I assume that many ppl, with different strengths, took much less time.---A.c.S
... :30 to 4 minutes reading a passage, which I've read ... mode (i.e. when scrolling through them from A to E). I am ... choices, but once I read E I deemed it "more right ... , if the right answer is E for LR, I'm usually ... able to cross off A through D by the time ...
Take flaw questions and do question and answer analysis. Write down a summary of the stimulus. What the conclusion is, support, context etc. Then A through E, why each is wrong and why the correct is correct. Over and Over. Long tedious summaries.
... regardless of undergrad. It's a bit uncertain about the fine ... at Princeton is better than a 3.5 at Illinois. ... 5 at Princeton better than a 3.65 at Illinois? ... money (probably even decisive in a couple cases of when deciding ... in some cases. Good luck!--A.c.S
... me. Even when I BR, a month in between and it ... mine, even if you remember a 3-4 questions, the test ... , your score will provide a bit of a psychological boost for when ... , I'd still buy. Cheers--A.c.S
Yeah, maybe not "elucidate" either...maybe it's just me but I'd probably go with "clarify" or "explain" but these are all judgement calls at the end of the day. Like I said, if it really is you... it's you!--A.c.S
... the answers and developing a tactic in advance. The ... answers. For example, in a sequencing game, you can ... 't notice this problem (e.g. in a CBT question). A to E, you can still ... benefit from taking a few seconds ...
... , and MSS. I even adopted a technique that @Sami told me ... to all the AC with a huge “E” so I don’t ... forget it’s an except. After a ... and to do it in a way that is comfortable for ...
... if the December administration has a games section that's ... better at games with a couple of extra months ... it. Given the (a) marginal effect that a 173 vs 175+ ... different from saying that taking a year off would lead ...
Either way, good luck!--A.c.S