The one benefit is that it can get you fee waivers that you'd otherwise have to apply for or in some cases might not even get if you asked. If that's not worth some spam then don't bother I guess.
Bumping this since it got caught in the spam filter a day ago! Careful with the titles, @"Tina Cho" - we have quite a bit of spammers, so special characters are blocked.
I'm adding a few bots that'll add some interactive games and tell you a bit about the server/7Sage when you join, so don't be alarmed if you join and a bot says hello to you! They don't usually talk back. :)
Admin edit: These are public forums, please refrain from including personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses. You'll get spam texts/calls by doing that.
@jimmyrivera201 I highly recommend removing your email from your post. Keep it to PM's or bots will get it and spam you. Also, i don't recommend sharing personal info across public forums either, but thats neither here nor there