Any tips on Specific Reference RCquestions? These are consistently the only questions I miss ... when doing RC ... my monitor while notating on scratch paper to accommodate for the Flex ...
RC: I don't have much advice onRC. I didn't ... . I was always good at RC (-0 to -2 from the start ... spend too muchtimeon tougher ones, leading to less time for other difficult questions. My ...
... really struggling with trying to intuitively figure out if conditionality ... conditional indicators that seem to be linked together. When ... go and try to diagram it, to try to see if there ... spending so muchtime trying to force a diagram. I'm struggling to zoom on ...
... on LR and LG and seem to be doing alright on ... them. I didn't spend any timeonRC ... find alot of the questions are so detail oriented and ... just focusing on the main point and trying to retain ... Test now and see RC as my first section ...
BR is typically in the low 170s, but my timed PT scores are in the 150s. Any advice on how to dramatically cut down ontime? I usually finish the PT with almost 1/4 of the questions unanswered because of spending too muchtime up front.
Is it better to spend more timeon the questions in RC or passage ? And if so what is a proper distribution of time ?(i.e 4 min on passage 5 min onquestions)
While learning to do RC it was advised through 7sage to write simplified summaries on each paragraph to better understand. Do you advise doing this on the blanks sheets of paper we are allowed or do you believe it will take up tomuchtime?
... I need about three minutes to finish reading a passage. I ... heard people saying that RC typically requires the reading speed ... 250 to 300 wpm. I do constantly run out of timeonRC section ... here. How muchtime do you guys typically need to finish reading a ...
... you know you need to slow down on certain questions?
I'll ... an understanding of all the questions and stuff. I suppose my ... any general or specific questionson how to get to early 160ish avg score ... for me to walk through someone a LR or RC question that ...
... -explanatory but I need help on #7. Why is E incorrect ... ; the last sentence literally ended on women but both of these ... for this passage contains unanswered questions as to why E is incorrect ...
... for a difficult RC passage it was ... to locate a specific RC passage and really don't have muchto go on ... - guess I'm hoping someone else will be able to ... the description and wants to share any passages ... a lot to go on so thanks to anyone who ...
... , missing around 28 questions (across all four sections). On my previous tests ... . Am I spending too muchtime looking at the number of questions missed, and ... am improving, but I wanted to make sure!
... am having a really hard time with RC. When I do full ... running out of time or rushing and getting -7 to -10 wrong ... am hoping to get down to -5 or less onRC in the next ... test. What can I do to improve my timing? Any advice ...
... timed sections. Look at the questions you miss the most often ... 2-3 difficulty questions than 3-4, depending on the level you ... picking and choosing which question to spend timeon, this really helped me ... . I didn't do much of 7sage RC, so can't compare ...
... practicing some LR and RCquestions and came across a ... definition. I did try to figure out what their ... figure how it related to the conclusion, which then ... Does anyone have any tricks on what they do during ... "whatever" and move onto possibly come back later?
... Curriculum, but I'm stuck on the Logic Games section. I ... and a half of practice time ( I'll be studying 6 ... I should I should try to master the LG now and ... CC if I spend too muchtimeon the LG section, but at ... the same time I don't want to risk it. Please ...
... Never been great at RC but hoping to change that. After my ... need to work on so I'm not wasting too muchtimeon the ... fundamentals? My priorities are currently to foolproof ... games, correct my weaknesses in LR and RC, ...
I usually score anywhere from -2 to -1 onRC sections, and I've recently started scoring much worse (-6, -4, etc.). Any insight as to what's going on would be much appreciated!
... am scoring much lower onRC, missing about 10 or 12 questions per RC section ... try to do low-res summaries, I run out of time. But ... when I try to read quicker, I ... passage details. When it comes toquestions I missed, I always review ...
... technique already in RC - you just have to realize what purpose ... too muchtimeon it at the expense of the other questions. Sometimes ... "attacking" the RC answers (LOL high-five to Powerscore) is: ... 3 questions wrong per passage (4-7 wrong for entire RC) to ...
... passage and answer the questions, referring back to specific sentences as ... the LSAT passages are generally much easier than most of the ... and should save you some time later on.
Also, ... It's really tough to gain ground onRC sections, and -5 is ...
OnRC, the last lines/sentences/clauses ... at the end of an RC passage when 1. you are ... spent too muchtimeon the passage and there's so many questionsto go ... ...look at the time! I need to get to the questions ASAP, so you ...
Aside from substitution questions and sequencing games with ... the specific test) but on the other hand, one ... rules in sequencing or substitution questions, is a fiction you ... try too hard to outsmart the LSAT through spending too muchtime analyzing 'trends ...
... improvement in RC, while possible, is very difficult compared to LR/LG ... much better on parallel questions. Most people suggest skipping parallels since they are time ... I need to drill RC before i rewrite. I need to take my ...
... entire stimulus for assumption questions. You do need to ID the major ... . This forces you to really hone in on the key information, and ... once. Otherwise, you're spending too muchtime rereading answer choices. Be confident ...
... for this. In the past, RC was my weakest section and ... to the fact that I would simply out of time from spending too muchtime ... questionsto 3.5 minutes (with the skim). Equating to more time for the questions ...
... to understand the details as much as assess it's structure (real time ... I still spend timeon the questions so I've decided to minimize the ... tell me how much upfront work I need to do and how ... structure, I'll breakdown the RCquestions in the same way I ...