I’m done with the LSAT and I sold my powerscore and lsat trainer through the pre law society Facebook page of my undergrad. Haven’t been able to find somewhere to sell my LSAC prep tests and those “10 actual official” books
Hi, what are some of the best intro to logic textbooks out there? I am looking to learn more about logic fundamentals and considering reading several books to improve my logic understanding. Thanks.
... those testing in the Accommodated/Standard Time subgroup scoring higher than ... test takers in the Accommodated/Standard Time subgroup are not comparable ...
I'm ripping up old powerscore books but they don't cover the entire first 35 pts. Also, why exactly is 1-35 the range that people use for fool proofing games
... “Increase in demand for printed books over manuscripts -> dramatic jump ... is demonstrating why increase in books increased. Could someone help me ...