I'm just starting and I'm wondering if there's a big difference between reading the lessons and watching the videos of the lessons? I'd prefer to read but I don't want to miss any material that isn't covered in the accompanying text. Thanks for the help!
... requires knowing the definitions of words that are not ... familiar to a notable portion of test takers. I thought ... useful to make a list of these "somewhat-lesser-known" ... multiple tests. My rule of thumb is that if ... , it's worth making note of.
So I do poorly on my first two sections of my test but then get better and more focused on the last two.
Anyone else have this problem and how to solve it??
It ... , please do. It's one of the few questions I genuinely ... . Please point out the part of the passage that supports C ... />
I love each and everyone of you who even try to ...
... I'm abusing my limit of posting on the discussion forum ... possibly recommend a specific number of tests I should try to ... reach while maintaining good practices of reviewing to ensure a good ...
... answer should link the reintroduction of rock salt to a ... no distinction about different groups of cars within the general " ... " better handle salt because of some trends in humidity levels ... most ridiculous, most ambiguous crapshoot of an assumption in order for ...
I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding whether ... should include a brief period of volunteering on my resume. of my experience at the organisation ... worry it shows a lack of commitment and might be seen ...
... must accurately assess the ability of one to master skills that ... particular skills, and thus all of our scores fluctuate a little ... with our renowned Sages, some of them were averaging much higher ... test be an accurate assessment of our skills?
... vs. when to use a standard grouping game board is that ... this one, I found the standard grouping game set up way ... J.Y also uses a standard grouping board.
https://7sage ... chart vs. grouping is one of the only areas left I ...
... wondering how many of you actually watched all of the LR videos ... pretty good understanding of watching just a few of the videos. of them? Or did you come ...
... tests and BRing. Since February of this year, I have been ... over core curriculum on all of my weak areas that other ... , I could not absorb any of the information I was reading ... became paralyzed for the rest of the test and had a ...
... on logic games. They were standard and I had done similar ... games dozens of times before usually only going ... filming myself but feel kind of discouraged especially after doing so ...
I'm almost positive I accidentally misbubbled on the demographics portion in terms of the LSAT. Definitely the nerves. Does this matter? Should I just email LSAT and clarify my mistake?
... and studying the spreadsheets of the info of all admitted students... ... us to share stories of people we know who ... score to the University of Washington but wasn't ... that cycle to most of the T14...and then ...
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems as though a part of the core curriculum was removed. Whereas before it was ~240 hours long, now it's 218 for me. If it helps, I have Ultimate+.
... negative impression of the play are unlikely to pay the standard ticket ... price.
The argument relies on which one of ... all of who went to see the play would pay the standard ... Most people who pay the standard ticket price do not miss ...
... question about using different letters of rec for different schools. How ... the uploading, labeling, and sending of these different letters work on ...