... on the rules and the stimulus of the game by writing ... a clear sketch. Sometimes the stimulus gives you extra info that ... in your sketch, so always read the stimulus. Once you've done ...
... . Was it really because you read the question wrong or do ... you always think that you read a particular type of question ... . Maybe it's reading the stimulus or answer choices too fast ...
... due to not understanding the stimulus correctly or misinterpreting part of ... the stimulus. Both of these are ... joke), and rip apart the stimulus inside out.
... of myself, and didn't read the other answer choices clearly ...
... use of hands" in the stimulus. I was unsure of ... accustomed to noticing within the stimulus. The contextual information focuses on ... when reading things. When I read the sentence "advanced tool ... twist a tiny bit to read: "Develop sophisticated tools----> ...
... flaw questions - once you've read the stem and you know ... with a flawed argument, read the stimulus with the mindset you'd ... to oranges".
We often read things with a "benefit of ...
... I fully understand what the stimulus is saying, the answer choices ... section where I have to read the stimulus 2 to 3 times ... my ability to understand the stimulus, but I definitely think I ...
... the underlying principle in the stimulus and then hunt-out ... is 3 steps: 1. read the stimulus and find out what exactly ... principle being illustrated in the stimulus? That current historians and ... the temporal element of the stimulus.
... good job with your initial read through stimuli. I tend to ... and every word as you read. By putting in the time ... you don't need to read the stimulus and ACs several times ...
I've also noticed I have to check back to the stimulus way more often. Typically, there's one word that seems innocuous on a first read but makes an answer choice completely untrue.