... I am looking for a studygroup that can meet close to ... a week and review only. January will be the same thing ... are 160ish + My goal for January is a 165+ and im ...
... . The idea is starting a group via clubhouse which is an ... motivate or link up and study. This could be something great ... form a big or small group and learn amazing things through ...
Hello!!! I am looking for a study buddy or group for those who are taking the LSAT in November 2021! if interested HMU and lets conquer this test together!!! I typically study in the evening around 4/5pm-9pm.
... few people (3-4) to study with for the November exam ... willing to work with a group a 2-3 days per ... and we can create a group chat. Currently working part-time ...
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Looking for some study buddies to BR tests together ... was in an old group but everybody was either ... that has different answers among group members or someone flagged. ... the rest of the group help him/her/them ... the majority of the group want to do a ...
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Looking for a logic games study buddy. I typically average anywhere ... />
I am taking the January LSAT, and am particularly interested ... virtually 1-2x week to study! :)
Hey NYC, anyone here for September 2022 test that is interested in forming a small group?
Working full time so looking for maybe an hour of study time a day.
... looking for someone to study with or a group. I am better ... someone else and unfortunately the study system this program has isn ... and I will create a group to start studying together.
... for students to have a study gruop, I have been self ... . Looking to start with a group to help for the next ... -5 months I plan to study 5x a week (20hrs a ...
Just started to study again for the LSAT, I have not written it before but I intend to write this September/October. If you are interested in creating a group where we can select a few dates to study together besides individually, let me know!
I was looking for a group to join and I'm ... was hoping to make a group where we can help and ... in a group with other people to help and study with! Please ...
Hey everyone! I was hoping to form a small group of 175+ scorers to have weekly zoom study sessions leading up to the September test. Please message me if interested!
I understand in-person study groups may not be recommended ... there are any in-person study groups near SouthbBay area in ... (I.E. a Library's study room). If not, would there ... in one?Alternatively a Zoom Group would be good enough. LMK ...