... ya'll, I have been studying LSAT for about a year ... weeks till I take LSAT again ( I am not planning on ... retaking it again), and I do not see ... 'll have any advice or studying tips or any kind of ...
... that are not mainstream regarding studying the LSAT! This forum is ... for people to share unique studying tips, original thoughts regarding the ... talk about how the LSAT studying process is a different journey ...
... -took in November 2020 after studying w/ Khan Academy, and saw ... foundation (and treating my LSAT studying like an online class) really ... think about this test ever again!
... decided to take the test again in January. Any advice? I ... . How should I go about studying this time around? Do I ... through the curriculum all over again? I'm feeling super discouraged ...
... break from the LSAT and studying. As such, I've cancelled ... plan on taking the test again if I don't get ... in March 2022 to study again. Will I have the option ...
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Recently, I have noticed, studying around 3 hours per weekday ... spots, in terms of hours studying per day? I’ve heard ... some waking up early and studying multiple hours before work—I ...
... another year to do this again & aiming for June but ... advice for starting again? I don’t think studying 24/7 helped ... trying to get back into studying the last couple weeks but ...
I started studying for the LSAT last January ... it's happening all over again and I'm trapped in ... . I need to focus on studying but I feel like...what ...
I took Prep Test 72 on LawHub and linked my account to 7Sage, now it wants me to take Prep Test 72 again? I want to review my answers/do blind review. How do I do this? I would prefer to take my tests on LawHub so I can get familiar with the test format.
As the title says, I was around -3 on LG when I stopped studying last year and now I'm -10. I would prefer not to go back into the studying materials. Does anyone have any recommendations for filling in that knowledge gap?