While going through my tests, I have noticed that there is not a particular question/questions I get wrong on LR, which is a bit odd to me. For example, sometimes I will get NA, MBT, Resolve the Paradox questions wrong, and on ...
Any thoughts? How did you guys feel about it?
I got 3 sections, 2 with 25 questions and 1 with 26 questions.
I think I did OK... but totally bombed the RC...
... .com/lsat/2016/most-common-logical-reasoning-question-types/
"he table ... displays the various types of LogicalReasoning questions, ranked by how frequently ... represent about 40% of all LogicalReasoning questions. "
... obtain a better approach towards logicalreasoning and reading comprehension. I started ... and I've read the LogicalReasoning and Games bibles from cover ...
Hello Fellow 7Sagers,
I am interested to see what your overall thoughts are of the PT. I am even more interested to see what your thoughts are regarding the logicalreasoning sections. Thank you.
... that's where I am at. So I need some ... Like really, haven't looked at the CC and have just ... the modern test I just suckat these kinds of questions. The ... how to go about looking at these questions any more. I ... looked back at the CC and felt confident ...
... games and neglected the logic reasoning and reading comp thinking ... fine. I looked at those sections at the last second and ... gotten much much better at logic reasoning and reading comprehension but ... now for some reasoning my logic games are ...
At the risk of embarrassing myself ... and I had date night at Grapefest - Grapefest is an annual ... know the right answer', 'you suckat this', and I just studied ...
Hi everyone! So, I have finished all the curriculum and I am doing the December Exam. I am now doing timed sections. So far, my biggest challenge is answering all the questions on time. I missed an average of 2 to 3 questions in each timed section I have ...
Hello all! I can't find that list of suggested tutors. I'm looking for either a Portland, OR based tutor, or an online tutor, who focuses on LogicalReasoning and the hard questions. Thanks for any/all help!
Hi! Is there anyone in the Ottawa area that wants to take a test together? I suckat PTing alone, and would love to have a few mock-LSAT writes before the Feb exam.