... dean showed interviewee some random applicants' applications(resume/essay) and asked ... more real interview questions from T14applicants past cycles.
... common understanding among law school applicants is that if you want ... law" you HAVE to get T14. My questions is, why 14 ... emphasis on the idea of T14. So really, two questions, to ... the running for most of T14. I am about 90% sure ...
... make into one of the T14, even though my confidence has ... it into one of the T14, then I'm a pretty ... LS at one of the T14, even though he's working ... it into at least one T14.
((*I took the ... about considering applying to any T14.))
... goal is to attend a T14 school, particularly one of the ... higher-ranked T14 schools. I have a few ... into a majority of the T14 school as is, but I ...
... plan is to blanket the T14 schools with no expectations of ... the LSAC GPA/LSAT browser, applicants with my GPA and LSAT ... national reach of a lower T14 school; this is especially a ...
... be accepted into an urban T14; or to receive some merit ... .) **Would a 25percentile to median T14 LSAT score, and a 97 ... ] GRE score, significantly reduce my T14 chances over just a 97 ... chances on getting into a T14?
3.) **Is it worth ...
So it appears that one of my essay was selected by an undergrad IR journal (Yale Review of International Studies)... To what extent does it help me with my application to a T14 school? How should I maximize the benefit it may bring me? Thank you!