... the NovemberLSAT is coming soon, but I definitely recommend taking 1-2 ... honestly, reduce studying slightly then taking a Practice Test maybe on ...
... immediately sign up for the NovemberLSAT, the question you should be ... taking it so closely?? You are essentially "wasting" one of your LSAT ... they may be fine taking the january LSAT. But if they are ...
... what I would say. Taking the LSAT in January based on ... the institutions have average LSAT scores that fall within ... considering you just wrote the LSAT in November, you are likely fresh ... , barring any unusual circumstances when taking PTs.
I'm looking for somebody in Montreal, who is taking the LSAT in December, and has a goal of 160 range! I'd really like to have a study buddy for PT's and review to help with my motivation haha.
... resources. Now I will be taking the June test, I purchased ... assumed I would only be taking the LSAT once, I haven't ... . Now I'm planning on taking all the tests included with ...
So I am taking the LSAT in June, and am nearing ... is, if I completed an LSAT 3 or 4 months ago ... it (especially considering I was taking the tests without heavy analysis ... if it was an untaken LSAT. It would be pretty beneficial ...
... June 2014 LSAT. This will be my first time taking the test ... or not I should postpone taking the LSAT until September 2014 and ... from others as I'm taking the test in Taiwan) leaving ...
Hi all - I'm taking the LSAT for the first time and I'd love to find a study buddy to stay motivated and on schedule. Let me know if you're interested!
Hi everyone. I am taking the 7sage course, and I ... halfway through. I am taking the LSAT for the second time in ... soon as possible and start taking multiple practice tests over and ...
I am taking the LSAT in September and really banking ... difficult courses. Therefore, a high LSAT will further legitimize my progress ... , and once you receive your LSAT score can quickly add it ...
... 'll be my first time taking the LSAT and I could use ... be, being immersed in the LSAT day in and day out ... site seems to caution against taking it too soon or going ...