@TOLedo2016 I also really enjoy the Thinking LSAT podcast. It's perfect for keeping my mind on the subject matter whiledoing things that prohibit me from actively studying.
... less, invested in using our PT scores as diagnostics. Where am ... understanding. When you take a PT, don't ask yourself “Is ... important than the PT. Really all the PT is doing is simulating conditions ...
Thanks for the responses! I've been takingPT's with the answer sheets already included and I rip those out, I was just curious about what test day would be like
Yes, one is experimental - it can be an extra LR, RC or LG and it can be anywhere in the test. There's no way of knowing which section is experimental whiledoing the test, so you have to perform at peak on all 5.
@"Cant Get Right" Do you suggest we fully BR our test before the call? I'm takingPT 65 tomorrow morning and I won't be able to BR the whole test before 8pm.
... still haven't taken a PT and am aiming for September ... will do when I start takingPT's. I know we only ... 7-10 PT's. I plan on only taking 2 PT's the ...
I will take the December test and was thinking about takingPT 43 for this Wednesday. It would be great if we could have a BR session for 43 as scheduled before please let me know if you are still interested. I can use both Skype or Google Hangouts.