@PublicInterested did you receive an email invitation or you have to go somewhere to register yourself? I clicked for video interview when filling out my application, but have not received any information regarding the interview. Thanks!
... ? I clicked for video interview when filling out my application ... received any information regarding the interview. Thanks!
You have ... it yourself. The video interview email should come soon after ... got the email for the interview like a few hours ...
... just did my online Northwestern Interview.**
> > ... responses come after the actual interview). I did the practice ... , because these are pretty staple interview questions.
I ... that has maybe taken the interview already: can you verify ...
https://niuschools.com/article/contents/id/4683 this article i found online gathered the most frequently asked interview questions by NU and Cornell, ignore all the chinese on the site, the first 43 english questions are NU's and the rest are cornell's
> @SVICTORIA said:
> @tringo335 I completely understand where you are coming from. I also work full time and am exhausted and drained by the time I get home. I have been trying to take this exam for about 2 years now and kept putting it off ...
@"Alex Divine" nothing special except those mentioned by themikey and the mandatory why cornell. Maximum 1000 words. I also have a list of Cornell law interview questions gathered by some asian experts. I can PM it to you if you want.
So would you say the individuals selected for the group interview are a mixed bag? Also if you don't mind could you share your stats (don't have to if you don't wanna!)?