Thankyou guys for your input, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond ... understand what I lack knowledge of, and I already accepted that ... perfectly, nor understand English, but thankyouforyou response I greatly appreciate it ...
Thankyoufor the last bit of info, Mike! I recently purchased your book, and it's helped me immensely with RC and LR. Thankyoufor taking the time to give us last minute reminders! :)
@nicole.hopkins Thankyoufor the wise words, motivation ... to get the hang of the questions, however I ... complex stimuli which kind of shake me up and ... I have to keep track of. @opal104 Honestly, its really ... types of questions. however, to find the gap you must ...
@Pacifico Thankyoufor response it is very much ... u said was a lot of what i thought to be ... . They will be very important for us to have the help ... 't attend another school outside of the two in my area ... offered any money... Just looking for advice i guess
... Thankyoufor the great advice, I truly appreciate it. I agree with you ... in the process of adopting the sense of humbleness you speak of, I am ... out of, but I am slowly finding my way.
@Pacifico Thankyoufor the detailed response! Ya, I ... different than Canadian in terms of having tiered law school systems ... huge amount of scholarships.
Canada for every school you need 160 ... aiming for a 170+ merely 160+! Though in my studying of ...
... miss a lot of questions in RC, do you think I need ... reading something more difficult. Do you think I need to keep ... or go back to fundamental? Thankyoufor your advice! @Pacifico
Thanks @"Dillon A. Wright" - I am SOOOO Happy to be a Sage. It was a long humbling road - thankyoufor the title and all of the support of the 7Sage community!
@"Quick Silver" said:
Thanks @"Dillon A. Wright" - I am SOOOO Happy to be a Sage. It was a long humbling road - thankyoufor the title and all of the support of the 7Sage community!
... I'm currently looking for jobs and was just ... I am a byproduct of how shitty it is ... doctors drug them instead of assigning more responsibility ... handle the situation properly. Thankyoufor commenting, it helped ... d also like to thankyoufor your reply, it helped ...
Thankyoufor the replies, I wasn' ... I used up a lot of the PTs. I did ... sure what my plan of attack should be when ... I did most of the LG except for the full tests ... assuming I would forget most of the material in 62- ... a bit of a hole it seems. As for blind review ...
Thankyoufor the encouragement @profile427 It's hard for me to think ... since it's one of those towns that I ... commit to my goal of studying/applying this year ... and giving that all of my energy and attention, ... that I enjoy. Hoping for the best in October ...
... PT today after a week of break. This time I was ... very conscious of the clock and filled everything ... ! Things are looking optimistic for me! THANKYOUfor all the excellent advice. One ... throughout the next three months. Thankyou again!
... Things are looking optimistic for me! THANKYOUfor all the excellent advice. ... in mind ... you WILL plateau. It's part of the process. ... that plateau with a string of delicious 170-something scores. ... maxed out." Until you hit 175+ consistently, you're likely in ...
Thankyoufor leaving the option of the old problem sets. Makes it simpler for those of us who did get the opportunity to download the PDFs before LSAC made everyone take them down.
Thankyoufor your input! So about this BR group, how do I join and does it matter if I am still on PT 44? it seems that all the BR groups are ahead of me.
@david.busis Thankyoufor responding! I just purchased the ... most things. During the process of using the course, if we ... letters, may we come to you ? Or is there a separate ...
... for the rest of the comments, thankyoufor the help. I agree with all ofyou ... hopkins I was doing what you were doing, I was trying ... answer choice individually. (kind of weird I am struggling with ... am great at flawed method of reasoning questions lol. While ...
@Pacifico @c.janson35 Yeah I've spoken with someone within the school and he said a lot of the things you both said. Thankyoufor the advice and guidance :)! I guess I'll be studying for December :)!
... responses/encouragements (in spite of some ppl just don't ... what you want". Just kinda in the process of forcing ... or death of any kind, some ppl you just never ...
Again, thankyou so much everyone. Thankyoufor your comments, concerns, and ...
... disappointing, but definitely a reflection of the work/effort/time I ... put in. Am registered for Feb. 2016. I work full ... to put in a ton of hours per week, but am ... a lot of the posts here, I feel motivated. Thankyoufor the motivation ...