... should skip around sections on the syllabus or stick it straight ... just begun to work on the reading comp section to shake ... hopping versus working straight through the syllabus.
Just curious -- I noticed that all of the difficulty ratings seemed to adjust yesterday or the day before, with most of the sections now being rated significantly more difficult than they were before.
What are the most common question types on LR, as in the types such as weakening, principle etc that appear the most often on the test. We know what the most common LG types are, I'm just wondering if there are also any hard statistics for LR?
... to do. But where all the 300+ or 900+ or whatever ... questions? I can't find the link to that. Also, where ... can I download and print the 6 or 21 LSAT TESTS ...
... and universities -- and depending on the community, but especially in university ... many people of this and the adjoining generations are completely ... , double great. But on the road to obtaining that job ... important, and most especially, the POWER that it has to ...
... />
Should I be following the syllabus as is? I'm ... based on the syllabus. I noticed that the practice tests ... asked. Trying to get the best of this program.< ... habits to studying in the morning prior to work ... Any advice on following the syllabus or not would be ...
... important test. It's not the most important test though. ...
Just kidding. This is likely the last LSAT you'll ever ... you from that score except the mere passing of a ... a new day and the February 2014 LSAT will ... student who has ever taken the LSAT before you has ...
Hey guys I know a lot of people recommend just relaxing the day before but is it ill-advised to do an actual test. I was planning on resting only half the day. Share your thoughts.
... and that's what Line 20-22 says (steady-state ... replaced by'' shows that the neoclassical economists also believed that ... 't explicitly say that the steady-state economics hold ... this conception (or hold the conceptions like external/internal constraints ...
... to her, Kay uses the following principle in choosing ... candidate. In the upcoming mayoral election, the three candidates are ...
According to the principle stated in the passage, in the upcoming mayoral ... any of the candidates
(D) the only unacceptable ...
Hi guys, sorry about the title..I did the question several days ago ... 's account and the confidence the witness has in the account. Certain factors ... 's confidence without altering the accuracy of the identification. Therefore, police officers ...
... game done in less than 20 minutes to this section ... the side of the bench mark indicated by the word in the ... Throw the other idea toward the direction of the quality dictated in the phrase ... look to the left of the benchmark ( to the most productive side ...
I was just wondering how different people go and review certain parts of the syllabus if they feel they need brush up on certain parts. Do you rewatch the video, and/or refer to some of your notes?
... to this question in the lessons but I cant find ... it now. What is the best way to practice tests ... practice tests so far. Do the later practice tests have a ... fifth in the pdfs or do I just ...
... using two different strategies. The first, I took my ... .
In the second LR I tried to ... what I thought was the right answer I quickly ... of 26!!! I attempted 20 questions. I got lucky ... yes, re read the stimulus briefly and make the best choice! ...
I chose A. The reason why I thought D ... is "widely accepted theory" part. The author said it has "gradually ... " won accepted (Line 20) rather than widely accepted. I ... is it possible D is the right answer?
And why ...
... can belong in the group, or the potential objects in the group in ... be eliminated based on the fact that the stimulus provides that F ... read it as "all the potential trucks" the Falafel truck could serve ...
... PT as well. The timed and blind review ... scores came back the same as the cold diagnostic (about ... started off strong with the RC section (mainly because ... I started gassing through the first LR section and ... completely lost motivation. By the second LR section I ...
... principle question. Usually, the correct answer to a ... the correct answer. It fills in the gap between the premise and conclusion. The ... ' confidence without hurting the accuracy or reliability of ... connects the premise to the conclusion.
... about Step 5 "Watch the explanation video." and Step ... Take a clean copy of the game.
Reproduce all ... be repeating the game right after watching the video? Trying ... I've been watching the videos right after a ... day before I try the game again...And well ...
... called as i begin the last passage and the last passage is ... in regards to the number of questions and the degree of difficulty ... 've noticed that the first passage is consistently the easiest, in terms ... pressed for time right at the end with (hopefully) an ...