I concur. By the way, I gambled last time I took the test. My picture was a yearold and I didn't get a hair cut in that year. :open_mouth: I had it pulled back in case. But I don't think my proctors even looked at the picture.
... day celebrating the lunar new year with my friends and didn ... 't check 7sage. Happy new year to y'all!! :smiley: three-year tuition and living espenses for ...
You are not alone! I am a 36 yearold single mom. After working in law firms for the past 12 years as a receptionist, legal assistant and paralegal I decided I should be a lawyer by now dammit! :) good luck!
... I have a 16 yearold and a 2 yearold, both girls. When ... to start law school the year my youngest starts pre k ... idea that I am too old has crossed my mind ... been told I was too old. But the fact of ... that somebody will need this old attorney some day....I will ...