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How should I incorporate the practice tests? Ideally, I would like ... me with four months of practice tests until February. With thorough ... my limit will be two practice tests a week.
... exciting nonetheless! My issue is timing, I score MUCH higher on ... sense to begin focusing on timing and test taking strategy. In ... this will just come with practice?
... 12 hour length for each practice test is accurate or do ... I have not given a practice test/blind review a go ... interspersing some of the earlier practice tests with the core curriculum ...
Is there a way for me to convert the practice tests on this site to Flex? For example, where I only take the 3 sections timed and then receive would be a Flex score? Or is my only option to take the full practice test and then convert the score?
I need a bit more explanation and practice of chaining conditional statements. Are there additional resources here or has anyone found a good resource for that? Thanks!
... few weeks I took a practice test once a week. ... of studying I took a practice test everyday, sometimes twice ... weeks. (I took around 40 practice tests in total).
... details of the argument or set of facts. This is ... you to have a set strategy for note taking ...
Hey guys! Thinking of taking the LSAT in December. Thank you 7sage - things are amazing so far. I want to gauge my studying. Is everyone completeing EVERY problem set in addition to EVERY practice exam? Thanks
While creating a problem set, is there a way to filter for specific questions I have already missed in PTs and create a problem set exclusively out of those?
... thinking we could do some practice tests apart or together and ... deployed in Japan however, so timing would have to be worked ... to be flexible to with timing and location once we get ... of about 20 or so practice tests that I am willing ...