I moved to the US 10 years ago when I was 18, and I started speaking English only then. Unsurprisingly, Reading Comp is my weakest section. Anyone who speaks English as a secondlanguage but has experienced some success on the RC?
... @7sage.com with concerns about timing and I figured you'd ... , but since English is my secondlanguage, It took more time to ... I take the test without timing, my score gets about 156 ... - 160, but with timing I only can finish two ...
... lot more straightforward and use language in a way that I ... fact that English is my secondlanguage and the early 90s LSATs ... be unfamiliar with the way language has changed / is spoken differently ...
... .
English is also my secondlanguage but don't let this ... worry about English being your secondlanguage. That is not affecting it ... practice tests...at that time, timing should be your only challenge ...
... essential elements to improve your timing, especially making inferences and deducing ... that, but English is my secondlanguage and I sort of understand ...
... LSAT with English as their secondlanguage interested in learning together? I ... people who encounter a significant language barrier with the test. Let ...
Starting 7sage LSAT prep has shown me that I need to go to the basics and learn grammar properly. English is my secondlanguage and I speak it fluently but, my reading skills definitely need an upgrade. Just a thought
... studied Mandarin Chinese as a secondlanguage, and I hope to one ... in China intensively studying the language. From my current level (HSK ... professionally/business proficient in the language at the end of this ...
English is my secondlanguage. I have trouble understanding texts in LSAT in a really short time. How can I improve my understanding without sacrificing more time?
P.S. I got my BS in the US, so my English isn’t that bad.