#50 (yesterday ... LG before starting to study for the LSAT again. It ... 's very unusual for me to get so stuck ... so much time. For LR, I have realised that ... % accuracy on them. ForRC, I don't know if ...
... necessary assumption questions are asking, for example, then you know ... and true process is necessary for improvement. If you find ...
So that's mainly for LR.
For LG, I think ... I blind reviewed for the games.
... passage and then aim for the questions so I ... I read, I look for structure or purpose. For example:
< ... mentioned and we're asked for their opinion, I just ... the answers.
ForRC, I've found it's ... the answers on any question for which I don't ...
For LG, I usually bubble them ... after each Logic Game. For LR, I usually bubble them ... off to the side. ForRC, I bubble in sets per ... methods, but this works best for me. Everyone's different tho ...
LG all the way lol, LR deff seems like it would drain me and I feel since I have a burning hate forRC that would be the worse but alas I have strayed from 5-sections for a bit so what do I know
... across that way I apologize for that. I'll leave ... up in its original form for others to decide exactly how ... s ever come to me forRC help is nearly as good ... as well.
As for your actual question - your core ... find a way that works for you to do two ...
... . This can happen at times for a number of reasons ( Need ... />
Timing/ pacing: I would recommend for timing and pacing you either ... in each question. Same goes forRC and LG. Just keep reviewing ... Lsat does.
Wow! Yeah, I definitely notice the tipsfor reading faster are helpful, and you'd think it would make retention harder but it actually makes it easier because you only make necessary marks, etc., less distracting
@emli1000 - that was my problem exactly... plus with one excel document since it opens 3 sheets, I can use sheet 1 for the Logic Games, sheet 2 for LR and sheet 3 forRC... so it doesn't look all muddled up in a page.
I have the LSAT Trainer forRC. And so far I love ... have all the Cambridge packages for drilling of LR and I ... />
If you're struggling with RC, getting a few bundles of ...
... explanations arn't enough. as forRC, its not talked about too ... to be okay but with RC being as it is, I ... it depends on the person for how helpful it is
... don't need a dedicated RC guide (Powerscore Bible nor Manhattan ... RC). It's such a hard ... "learn". I'd say the RC in the Trainer is sufficient ... the Cambridge Packets forRC that has all the RC sections from PT ...
... on buying the LSAT Trainer forRC. I'm still going to ... believe that having a video for 99% of the questions will ... ) about the LSAT Trainer's RC. Is it worth it to ... purchase the LSAT Trainer's RC, or does anyone have success ...
... pretty well regarded in general. ForRC it can be a little ... since going over it but RC is very individualistic as everyone ... in general, even if not forRC(which again, not sure)
I would also like to know about this since I keep hearing this. What about forRC passages? I've heard that they are real articles. Is that true? Because I always think I'm reading a bunch of uninteresting bs. lol
At the end of every practice test, there are 4 sources (sometimes 5 now because we have comparative passages) always listed. Those are where the articles were pulled from forRC.
... Reading The Economist is beneficial for LSAT prep. Since reading The ... should not read The Economist forRC practice, as they are ... is neither necessary nor sufficient for doing well on the ... journals that one can read for practice.