I made this quick two pager on blindreviewto stick up next to my study desk. Quick and dirty, but I've found it helpful to glance up at.
http://cl.ly/3F2m1Q1y2602 (BR Instructions)
http://cl.ly/0s2d3Y071911 (Analysis)
... took Section 1 LR of the Feb 1993 LSAT to ... studying. I am going toblindreview it this evening and ... we are fortunate to have the Game review here... but ... going to continue to use the app with distractions to help ... time training,just wanted to make sure that was ...
Can anyone point me in the right direction to the December 2016 BlindReview Group? I don't know if one has been set up yet, although I do know there is currently a group for the September 2016 test. Would certainly appreciate it. Thanks
... am not sure how the blindreview method works since I have ... elaborate? I have found it to be really time consuming but ... I would like to get the most out of ...
I would like to know if someone can describe to me how they BlindReview and/or what are the steps they take when going over an LSAT Preptest. I just want to make sure that I am doing it correctly. Many Thanks!
I'm about to start my first blindreview and i'm a little ... feel like i'm going toreview answers and agree with myself ... or change correct answers to wrong ones by over thinking ... you knew before you started blind reviewing?
I tend to do a full review rather than a blindreview because I hate ... using test time to figure out ... 're reviewing questions, but do you think it has similar benefits toblindreview?
... giving myself and everyone who took the September LSAT at ... the most when I have toblindreview a PT with someone without ...
Cisco devices: 305261573 ... @
Is it sound to take a PT then blindreview it the next morning, or it is ideal to take it then blindreview it immediately? Going to do my first BR as I just stared the CC.. so will be doing the 07 test.
I submitted my test already and now I am not able to go back and do the blindreview. Should I just delete it and take it over again or is there still a way to do blindreview after I submitted my score?
... a quick question about the blindreview method. I'm in post ... by the time I get to the end. How much time ... is it ok to take to do the blindreview? For example, I ... push through it and immediately review after I'm done with ...
... subconsciously training my mind to think about these questions, and thereby developing ... I supposed to be picking up conscious strategies for future questions? For ... passively begin to get better the more and more you blind reviewed ...
Hey Guys, so I know JY had a blindreview session on the reading comp and other sections. Is there a way for me to retrieve the webinars for this blindreview?
Also, where can I go to get the video explanations/discussions for PT 84?
... t just do the questions and move on. ... BlindReview system (You HAVE toBlindReview for all your practice questions, if you want to ... is wrong; refer to the BlindReview lesson for more details ... sincerely wasting questions. Sometimes, it takes me hours, even ...
... but you also have to take turns to host it :smiley: to take PT sets from 75 to 83. If you also want toreview ... group, we may decide to hold 2 sessions, one hosted by ... />
45 Minutes
LR 2 BlindReview Difficult Questions. Come up with key ...
... my last few PrepTests, my BlindReview scores have been within the ... my goal score. Whenever I BlindReview, I notice that I made ... I had had more time to decipher what the question was ... question types, etc.), will adaptation to time constraints eventually follow?
Is there a way to open up all the BlindReview fields with only 1 button press? Currently, I am individually clicking on the 100 question numbers before I can enter the BlindReview score.
How do you do blindreview with the problem sets when checking your answers? All I see are the correct answers when I go to check my first rounds answers
... got through all of the "BlindReview" explanation videos. I'm a ... others. We're supposed to do blind reviews for all sections, correct ... ? Just want to clarify!
Hi! I'd like to make a small 3 ... person BR group to meet weekly and go ... about 3-4 hours and noted for which questions they had ... one. I'd like to do a BR group in ... way and I'm open to other good approaches too!< ... 's, I'd like to have 1 member in the ...
... full time. The best way to learn for me has been ... talking out with others the questions and the reasoning for the ... incorrect answer choices. I aiming to cover one PT per week ...
... wondering if any of you blindreview logic games? Fool proofing ... games and I am continuing to do the fool-proofing ... I don't know if blind reviewing my logic games ... regards to study strategy than blind reviewing logical reasoning and reading comp. Blindreview ...