Can anyone help me out with this one? I ended up getting it right by process of elimination but I'm having trouble figuring out how to write it in conditional logic.
How would you diagram “the only thing you need for A is B ” and “the only way to have C is through D”?
Are these two the same statements?
I’m starting to feel like, at least the first one, is a bi-conditional. Thoughts?
I have an incredibly difficult time understanding a stimulus that is science-based or involves numbers. I found that PT5.S1.Q12 gave me an incredibly hard time due to not understanding the stimulus. I ended up having to draw out pictures, to truly ...
This was a very useful drill that I did everyday to warm up and I can't find it anymore. It was a long list of fruits that you hook up using conditional statements. Any help finding which section it is in would be appreciated.