Is there any way to see and navigate through the full course concept tree that JY uses in the videos? I think it would help me connect the dots a little bit as to how some concepts relate to each other and help me figure out what to study again.
... the number of rings a tree has will tell us how ... old a tree is.
• Before we get ... the number of rings a tree has will tell us how ... old a tree is. Because we know that ... can determine how old a tree is by counting its rings ...
receive a news alert for the millionth tree being planted in NY, and the first thing you think is, "but no... deforestation to plant more trees can release more carbon dioxide in the short term..."
This question is a “similar reasoning question”. It says “ the higher the altitude, the thinner the air. Since Mexico City’s altitude is higher than that of Panama City, the air must be thinner in Mexico City than in Panama City.” I have looked at the ...
Can anyone explain why the answer choice (c) is the correct answer? It's hard to see why this has to be the case when logs already have each ring representing one year. With this fact, it's already possible to know how old these ...
I am retaking this PT and I **really** struggled with this passage. In particular, I have trouble understanding the difference between studies being debunked vs. studies giving two opposing facts. ...
I am pretty sure I understand what JY means but I have never encountered a question where it is okay to independently strengthen a hypothesis without strengthening the support between premises and conclusion.
Ah spring... a time of rebirth and renewal and COPIOUS amounts of tree pollen in Va. Allergy symptoms are attacking and I’m not clear headed for tomorrow’s exam at all. Can I do a score preview or switch it to June or is it too late?!