I am studying for the September 2022 LSAT, aiming for the 173+ range (currently PTing around 165/166). I have always been on the fence regarding tutoring, but I am especially confused now. I have recently been utilizing 7Sage and ...
Hello, I am a reapplicant this coming cycle and I am wondering if it is recommended to submit both a reapplicant addendum and a Why X essay or to combine them? Any advice would be strongly appreciated!
After receiving consecutively poor scores on PT in 2020 I decided to change my approach to this test by going through the CC first before PTing again. I initially was doing just LG but I realized midway through that that I ...
Can anyone provide some insight into the comparable accuracy of the 7Sage and LSAC admissions predictors? I am seeing drastically different percentages between the two as I'm creating my school list and it is giving me pause as to what schools I should be ...
I was debating whether to keep up the pace with PT'ing or to slow down. I wanted to get through at least over half of all the available PTs before my test. However, I found myself struggling more as I moved up into the 70s. Based on ...
I am preparing for the October test (been studying for a year and a half) and I took PT 92 this past weekend, scored 169 (170 if the experimental LG had been the real one). RC is harder than previous PTs (I missed -5) but something even stranger is the LR ...
Hi everyone,
First time poster here. I just started my study journey for the February 2023 LSAT. I actually took the LSAT about five years ago and did terribly as I mistakenly thought I could cram 3 weeks before the exam.
As far as the new ...
In the last 2 weeks I've taken 5 PT. 149 was two weeks ago. I took one yesterday and got a 169. I'm taking the LSAT tomorrow and absolutely freaking out now. My higher scores are the modern tests vs the old test. Maybe this is why? Any last minute help?
So I missed my Oct test, (my fault PST vs CST) I total miss read the time and when I logged in it was too late.What is the consequences on my application for missing an exam? I will schedule to take it on January again.
so I definitely feel like I did worse on the Oct LSAT than the sept LSAT. Would it be smart to purchase score preview and cancel that score or should I keep it? How would law school view a lower score vs a canceled score?
I am very geographically limited as I know I want to live in California and have been here my whole life. Only applying to USD and Chapman. Love LMU and Pepperdine but cant do locationally / financially. I do not want any pretentious comments or ...