Presuppose defined as "require as a precondition of possibility or coherence. synonyms: **require, necessitate,** imply, entail, mean, involve, assume"
... . I am aware of these 4indicators from the core curriculum: indicators not listed here? Also, does ... .com/lsat_explanations/lsat-82-section-4-question-23/
... a bi-conditional in a twogroup, non In/Out game. I ... the impression however that all twogroup grouping games can be conceived ... one group as the in group and one group as the out group.
I had RC,LR,RC,LR,LG....I was told by my tutor that the experimental normally comes in the 1st of my guess is my first RC was the experimental and section two and 4 are the real LR SECTIONS.
"No" is a negate necessary indicator, group4. so, No rabbit is white = R-->/W or W-->/R
"If" is a sufficient indicator group 1. So, if you are a rabbit then you are white= R-->W or /W-->/R.
How are you going to figure out when to use this trick if you don't know the group 3 and group4 words by heart already? And if you do know them, why aren't you just doing it properly?