... Weaken questions require a flawed argument. A validargument is perfect and can ... what's wrong with the argument, it's a matter of ... and subtlety to shift the argument in the right direction, and ... subtly the AC shifts the argument. Very challenging at the higher ...
... Weaken questions require a flawed argument. A validargument is perfect and can ... what's wrong with the argument, it's a matter of ... and subtlety to shift the argument in the right direction, and ... subtly the AC shifts the argument. Very challenging at the higher ...
... for me to have a validargument here I need another statement ... is to make that argumentVALID. To make something valid you need an ... links all pieces of the argument together in an air tight ...
... separate the context from the argument in your diagramming?) Also, how ... your understanding of various argument flaws and validargument forms? I actually am ...
... what is wrong with the argument. I would return to the ... , you should review lawgic and argumentform lessons. Practice diagramming each answer ...
... assumption questions follow our validargument forms from the CC. ... experience reading/following an argument's structure: other people ... a conditional understanding of the argument's structure **_and_** ... conditional understanding of the argument. See here: PT ...
... whether a stimulus is an argument and, if it is one ... to figure out whether said argument is well-supported;
2 ... a horrible, reasonable, decent, or validargument.
... ve never encountered these argument forms before, it seems ... NA question in an argument-by-analogy form.. again.. really weird ... question that uses a 'tautology' argumentform.
& ... a weird "A-->absurd" argumentform.
& ...
Yeah, there's a list of all the common validargument forms in the CC as well. Half are in validity, and the other half are in some and most relationship lessons. I think just doing more of them, and making your own list will be the most helpful.