... exam and taking an LSAT every single day). By the ... up at 5 am every day and doing nothing ...
- I really enjoy playing video games and going to the ... went GREAT. I finished every section before the 35 minutes ... was good enough for every school in Canada and ...
... leading Reading Comp review sessions every other day. These sessions ... assume that you've finished every lesson in the "Reading ... If you're looking for video explanations of these passages, you ... br />
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
So when the proctor says "Put your pencils down", can I pick up my watch and reset the time on it? Or do I have to wait until the next section begins before doing anything with my watch?
Hey guys. If you're using Pacifico's LG strategy are you supposed to watch JY's video explanation of the answer choices OR just the way he set it up etc. after your 1st attempt, before taking out your 2nd copy to attempt?
... 've been practicing with a watch so I can track my ... . I don't wear the watch---instead, I lay it on ... have to actually wear the watch since we're only allowed ...
... the CC twice and also every single PT (wasted most of ... the questions and move on. Every time you make a mistake ... so in the future. Then, watch JY's explanation and compare ... want to improve. Break down every part of the stimulus, each ...
I really like the Ted-Ed puzzles that are posted every now and then. This week's was very reminiscent of a LSAT question, so I thought I would share it.
I am planning to start recording myself while I am doing drills and reviewing my video footage for both LR and RC just wondering if anyone has a system that works for them, especially for RC.
... Instead of having a call every week, we will instead ... have a call every other week. The reason ... that having the call scheduled every week really exacerbated burnout. Especially ... br />
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
... own time (i.e., a watch) while PTing/when you've ... />
I would never use a watch during PTs and it worked ... - I decided to use my watch during the September exam. Think ... or, switch to using a watch during PTs to become more ...