... a clue how to figure which section is fake over the real ... sat for it, I knew which section was experimental because it ... that, don't worry ... This is the reason we take 5 ...
@kaila67h I also had two 25 Q LRs. Any thoughts on which one is the experimental? I had LR-RC-LR-LR-LG and my first LR (25 Q) felt more difficult than my third section (2nd LR which was also 25 Q).
... one of the biggest things is to remember that the name ... of this question type is a red herring. It should ... . As with every question there is only one right AC and ... complete and total bullshit for which there is no support. Hopefully that ...
If you're asking if there's anyway to determine which section is most likely to be the experimental one, the answer is simply no. Unfortunately, if can be any of the first 5 sections.
It was everyone guessing what the "curve" would be on the test which here is represented by the number of questions you could get wrong and still get a 170. It turned out to be a -12 "curve" so you could get 89 out of 101 and get a 170.
... me. However this stuff is what you make of it ... above regarding the JD advantage is true. I know several ... />
Your real question is what debt can I afford ... and is it worth it.
... perspective. 2K in loans a monthis overwhelming.
Could @"J.Y. Ping" or another Sage chime in on the issues raised by @quinnxzhang and @"Cant Get Right"? Which interpretation is consistent with LSAT logic?
I would say translating is generally most important for NA, ... 've been studying, but translating is quite difficult in the early ... you're struggling to translate (which again is entirely normal), try to ... do this in your head, whichis the ultimate goal. But this ...
Your best option is to Fool Proof the games ... try your current method. See which one is faster. More importantly, note ... if there is a significant difference in accuracy ...
... then to see if one month will be enough time for ... target score. For me, one monthis definitely not enough time. In ... the test with only one month of preparation. Best of luck ...
... "all not", whichis a universal. That is, "none" is equivalent to " ... films have been transferred, whichis not the right answer. ... have not been transferred" is "all films have been ... have not been transferred", which, again, is equivalent to "all ...
... eliminate the obviously wrong nouns, which typically leaves two answer choices ... to the passage and identify which nuance is most consistent with the ... or less professional answer is usually incorrect (which makes sense, since extreme ...
@rrust said:
it is imperative to mention in your ... Law/Law School?" and it is super boring in the vast ... the reader's attention, that is what you really want to ... , when by most measures it is the third most important thing ...
Which PT is this from? I don't recall seeing any worded exactly like this. I have seen some that sound a little similar but end up translating to M for example being in between the other two.
Yeah, like Jonathan said, the score really doesn’t matter. What matters is your understanding of the test and the logic upon which it is built. If you didn’t BR it the first time, there’s still a lot to be learned from the retake.
Yes, one is experimental - it can be an extra LR, RC or LG and it can be anywhere in the test. There's no way of knowing which section is experimental while doing the test, so you have to perform at peak on all 5.
... improve that skill. This is ESPECIALLY true for flaw ... on other questions. That is why they are appealing. ... When you read, "What is the author's main point ... respond with "Okay, which AC is the one that best ... is trying to convince me that, X Y Z...so, which ...
... idea, so my best advice is to do what you feel ... is right. Similarly I was doing ... something. But that is only because it is when I felt comfortable ... , I think 1-2x a monthis adequate.