Any suggestions on how to get better at LR? I struggle with NA and Flaw a lot, but the whole section in general is tough for me. Luckily my lsat is now a Flex, so I have some hope, but my avg is around 11-13/25. Thank you in advance!!
... (given how late it is). My weakest sectionis LR. I would love ... work with someone whose strongest sectionis LR. I can't really ... with LR. MY strongest section, on the other hand, is LG! I am ... with someone looking to improve on LG, but scores well consistently ...
... and I have been working on a project for you. ... May 2020 LSAT-FLEX is now up on 7sage, we know that ... answer choice from the RC section, and I have done ... the same for the LR section. Attached below are links ... his work with the RC sectionon this test. That was a ...
... was trying to understand what is different about the LSAT-flex ... and noticed on the LSAC website it said it is made up ... Comprehension. So there is no logic games sectionon the flex version or ...
... the way. My last section to master is Reading Comp. I can ... , but it's very dependent on timing. How have you all ... timing for the reading comp section and balanced that with accuracy ... up running out of time on the last passage. Any tips ...
... was a 153 (155 on average). Is this a good sign and ... reaching a 162 on my actual test? My test is in January ... with test 68 game 4, whichis considered to be one of ...
I know that it's not recommended to include "relevant coursework" on your resume, but I have taken 2 law courses through my masters program. Should I include these in my education sectionon my resume?
... wanted to get everyones take on what reading comp has been ... 80s particularly difficult and it is really bringing down my vibe ... took PT88 and did well on LR & Games but was ... supposed to be the hard sectionon this test....